If you get a letter from Subscription Payments Services in White City,
Kalmbach Publishing, and give them the information from the letter.
They (this above named co.) have tried this with me several times.
They will RIP YOU OFF!
FORM. Instead, IMMEDIATELY contact Kalmbach Publishing and
give them the company’s name and address. This company
basically rips you off. Seems to me that they are trying to pull a
fast one over on Kalmbach (and us subscribers). They don’t
follow through with anything they say they will.
Kalmbach did a similar post on this issue a few months ago. Bob Keller and crew may wi***o place a similar permanent post at the top of the board if this problem is still around.
What I’de like to know is how they got ahold of our addresses in the first place? I would hope that CTT does not give out this info, otherwise how does this scam Co. know that we subscribe to CTT in the first place? I doubt that CTT would sell or give out our addresses, but one never knows.
What does this letter you speak of ask of you?
They probably don’t, but it seems now-a-days, you get on a junkmail list just because you take a breath of air.
All too often when you subsribe to something, they’ll put you on a mailing list and send you things that they think you’ll be interested in.
Ever fill out a warranty registration card for something you’ve bought, and seen all those survey questions that ask about your hobbies, or how much money you make each year?
The questions have NOTHING to do with the washing machine you just bought, or the new TV you just bought, etc.
They simply want to know which type of junkmail list to put you on…
It’s all of Kalmbach, not just CTT.
I subscribe to OGR, CTT, RMC, and MR. I’ve been getting these bogus “time to renew” offers from this bogus person/company for, oh, I don’t know, 5 or 6 years now. Somehow they know when my CTT and MR subscriptions are due, but I never hear anything for OGR and RMC.
Coincidentally, I just renewed my MR subscription a week ago and just yesterday I received a “special offer” from the bogus person/company for MR!
Hi guys,
Thanks for the alert.
Kalmbach and CTT have used some 3rd party subscription services in the past to increase awareness of our magazines in an effort to find new subscribers. But we don’t use an outside company for any renewals. As for this outfit in Oregon, I have no knowledge of it and I wouldn’t recommend using it.
If your renewal notice doesn’t have CTT’s logo on it and your payment address isn’t Waukesha, Wisconsin, then you are not dealing with us.
Sometimes readers point out low-price subscription offers on eBay. While it’s not illegal for a third party to offer a CTT subscription at a price different than ours, you get what you pay for and you are putting a middle man between us and your subscription.
Neil Besougloff
Just wanted to follow up on what Neil said. We in the Circulation Department at Kalmbach are well aware of this company. What they and a handful of other companies around the country are doing is illegal. This problem has also plagued other publishing companies for years, including much larger publishers such as Time, Inc. Despite our best continuing efforts, we and other publishers have been unable to stop the problem.
As Neil said, if you receive a renewal notice from anyone other than CTT or Kalmbach, do not respond. The return address on all Kalmbach renewal notices is actually Milwaukee, Wisconsin (they are processed for us by the bank we deal with directly). You can contact our Customer Service department at 1-800-533-6644, ext. 661 if you have any concerns or questions. Or e-mail them directly at customerservice@trains.com.
Elizabeth Runyon
Group Circulation Manager