Inevitable Question: AristoCraft Replacement Parts

Whatever happened to their existing stock of replacement parts? Does anyone know if they have been bought out for a secondary market? I have the early version Pacific with the awful plastic side rods and had a derailment that broke some parts off…I know that other scales have a secondary parts market, does anyone know if the same applies to AC or will?

Well…fact, opinion, speculation…all fit.

They announced a “poof!” date, and promptly sold off all the parts…including the kitchen sink…after Navin had announced he had committed to Aristo Repairs through 2014 (one of the “clues” as that happened before the closure announcement). When on-line comments pointed out that it would be difficult to perform repairs with no parts, suddenly the website was taken down, when it came back, most of the rest of the parts were NLA.

So…parts are sold. Remaining parts Navin has for warranty repairs.

You need to upgrade existing non-warranty equipment, you might be out of luck.

As of this date, no one has announced parts availability aftermarket.
There is always the question as to whether the company is really out of business.

Even though the doors have been closed for almost two months, apparently former staff have been known to try to enforce copyright issues.

We get to wait and see what transpires.

After all, wasn’t it Scot who said the molds wouldn’t sit idle for long?

Thanks for the update and it sounds like the ball is still up in the air. I got the impression as well that as indirect or vague as they have been, on the surface it looks like they are going in two directions at once either out of business or in business in a stealth mode.I wonder out look if they underwent bankruptcy protection to ward off creditors and then putting the same lines under " new" ownership…who knows? if theres any picture of a grand plan its pretty foggy as you said. Oh well…

The Pacific will have to be stored until further notice. I just might use the good parts to cast my own replacements if this drags on. Outside of the rod damage she runs just fine after all these years…diesels will have to pitch hit in the interim…

The only thing still up in the air, is the air. AC is d-e-a-d. Scott Polk is trying to revive the track part of the business, but it looks apparent that Sanda Kader actually owns all the tooling. So unless they decide to reissue the rolling stock either back to Polk (need $$$ for that) or sell it thru another vendor (like Williams is now sold thru Bachmann) any part are going to be whatever is left in stores after the big explosion.

Best suggestion, look online for someone selling a Pacific as use it for donor parts, sort of the same way old Maserati Bi-Turbos are still kept alive, buy 5 to keep one running, or is that 6.

The track system being revived or continued or whatever variation works is what is somewhat confusing as there seems to be a lot of track systems already in the market. I just bought a significant amount of LGB on the secondary market at a very decent cost. Track alone would seem on the surface not enough to float the boat, but I am no expert, and I wish them well.

I will more than likely cast my own replacement rather than buy an entire basket case as then I will have two of them.

I would think there is a market for repair parts but like everything else, the whole thing is convoluted enough.

One report I read was that a container of track had been ‘found’ and when it is gone, it’s gone. But there are other sources of track available, so that’s not much of a problem.

The situation is as clear as mud

It might be worth your while to give Navin a call in New Jersey and see what he has to say about your issue.


Anyone have a phone number?

Contact Navin at 201-565-6069

A guy in Canada is starting to cast some Aristo parts. Doing the streamliner truck part that always breaks. I advised him about the Pacific valve gear, so he was going so see if he could get some to mold. Contact him through the Ottawa club, I think. I don’t have an address, but should show up on a search.

AristoCraft replacement parts seems to be an opportunity for someone with a 3D printer unless there are copyright issues to consider.


I called Navin last Friday and as today, (the following Wednesday) and he said he would look into my request. I am waiting to hear from him as to the reciprocating rods availability so I am assuming he has other fish to fry at the moment. I guess time will tell. For the moment, I am unwilling to write Aristo off but I will follow your advice as a potential backup.

Its a shame as the orange \ maroon Milwaukee Road Pacific was one of their original models and runs as good as the day long ago when I bought it. I still have the two matching heavyweight coaches…With summer around the corner, Id love to see them running together again.


Update: I have not heard from Navin and my initial call and followup e-mail has not been responded to…so unless I hear otherwise, I have given up on any replacement parts from AC.


excerpt from a AC forum thread via a Scott Polk email, “…please feel free to call 908-834-2139 or email …”

Within that thread/email was listed some parts he had acquired … so IF you have a part number prefix the original Ac partnumber(digits) with GXT

ref AC thread;

good luck,

doug c


Thanks but there wasnt anything useful there…I dont think its likely to find spare parts in the foresseable future for this particular engine.


This hurts I have a caboose in need of parts sounds like someone could make a fortune with just parts.

One potential remedy in the near future, maybe now actually, would to use 3D printers and a 3D scanner to scan individual parts off a complete model, then print out replacement parts on the printer. this wouldn’t work so much for motor blocks (yet) but it would for body and chassis parts.

The legal issues could get sticky only you started offering parts for resale outside of an active company but if the company has gone bust, what are the legal thorns then? Anyone going to try to sue if you started printing stuff based on Great Trains cars or engines?

I know I am late to the party on this one but I found a website that 3D prints replacement parts. I purchased the Aristo Craft Pacific moving parts and they fit and work great:

Yep, that is the guy Jerry referred to before (earlier in this thread), but he neglected to put the web site down. Thanks for posting it. GLX has been in business doing this 3 years now, so hopefully they will stay around and expand their parts line.


Thanks TJF, HAHA I predicted it three years ago, not really surprised, its one of those things that was completely expected. Surprised it isnt mentioned more on the forums.