Install xtrkcad ? HOW?

New here, but familiar with forums
I want to begin a new layout sized 5 ft x 6 ft in HO.
I am having trouble withtrying to install Xtrlcad, ver 5.3
on my linux machine.
Can someone iterate the installation process step by step? I have downloaded the file, but when I try to open it,
it says choose an application to open it with. But there are no options listed… I’m lost.

Read the group help and the manual. Installing XTrkCAD isn’t obvious.

XTrkCAD Model RR Track Planner says the best way to get help with its software is by visiting[](

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Thanks Lee.
Here I go… down the rabbit hole.

memo to self : Don’t tale the pills!!!

Agreed. The authors are regulars on the mailing list and can help you with any issues you may run into.

Also, XTrkCAD Model RR Track Planner / Wiki / Home has a section on installing the program.

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Perfect! Just what I was looking for@@ Thank You!!

Again, thanks to everyone that assisted,
Program is running. Now to learn it!
Happy Holidays to all!!!