Hello everyone,
I just purchased an MRC Prodigy Express and two MRC 1650 5 function decoders from my local hobby shop. I have an Atlas HO classic series RS3 that I want to install one of the decoders in. With the wealth of knowledge in this forum, I’m hoping someone can provide me with some basic ideas so I don’t fry the loco. Soldering doesn’t bother me but this is the one loco I have that doesn’t have a pnp socket so I want to make sure I do it right.
I’m not sure that I can be of any direct help here. I run the MRC prodigy Advance and I have several Atlas Classic RS-3’s. The difference here is that I’ve installed Digitrax DH163AO decoders in all of my RS-3’s. Your decoder should have come with a manual showing what each lead off the the decoder is used for. For example, the DH163AO is a replacement for the existing DC board in top of the motor. Just unclip the wires from the old PC board, remove old board install DH163AO decoder, and reclip (or solder) the wires to the exact same place.
Im not familiar with MRC decoders. Do the ones you have look like a circuit board or do they look like a small rectangle in some kind of heat shrink covering. This will make a big difference in your installation. If you could post pictures of the decoder and the interior engine that would help very much.
I would get a “Drop-In” decoder designed for this type of installation, and save the decoder you have for another project. (A “Drop-In” is a decoder made to replace the lightboard on the engine. It’s pretty easy to do because the connections are basically in the same place as they are on the lightboard.)
the decoder you have will not drop in to that engine, you could hard wire it but… http://tcsdcc.com/decoder/A1.html
That is the perfect decoder for the engine. Plus I have had nothing but trouble with MRC decoders, a TCS will be reliable for sure. And if you destroy it somehow, they will replace it free.
I would forget about hardwireing the MRC decoders or installing a socket. Go with a direct drop in decoder, that replaced the Atlas circuit board, like the Digitrax DH163A0 http://www.digitrax.com/prd_mobdec_dh163a0.php