Is this a Athearn Reffer?

Bought this the other day at K-10 Train club night. Local had a box of rolling stock I got at a very fair prices.

When I went to added Proto 2000 wheels and adjust the coupler height I found some odd things about this reffer.

From the bottom it look like a normal Athearn.

But as it turns out the bottom would not come off but the roof and ends did?

Getting ready to drag it around the bench and thought I would ask about it. Any idea how old it might be as well? Seems all the cars I bought Kadees # 5’s where low and had to add raised couplers to get to NMRA standerds.

Cuda Ken

Yes, it’s an Athearn reefer. Dunno why they engineered the thing differently from their other cars, but they did (possibly to make painting the roof and sides different colors easier?).

And virtually ALL Athearn cars have couplers that are too low, so fiddling with the height to fix it isn’t something unique!

Yup, it’s an Athearn, all right. They started building the reefers like that the year that they went from their 500 piece metal kits to plastic. Sometime in the '60’s, I think.

One of the reasons the couplers ride low on a lot of Athearn reefers is that there is a little slot on the coupler box that has to fit onto a small nub when you press the car ends down. A lot of times, that doesn’t happen, and the end of the car forces the coupler box low. It takes a couple of tries to get them aligned properly.

Even then, I’ve found that most plastic Athearn reefers need a shim above the trucks (Kadee makes a perfect shim for this) to get the couplers up to proper height. I’ve had to do that to just about ALL of my older Athearn cars.


This is Athearn kit 5216 which was produced around 1970. I used the Standard Guide to Athearn Trains for reference.

Pictures of similiar cars:

Athearn Sales Lists at:


Larry, GREAT SITE! I found most of the car I got from EBAY on you collection from 1948 to 1957. I also got some Cary Diesels with Hobby Town drives. And a metal RDC with hobby town drive in it. No clue as to age.

I did not find the car but still saw more than one that I have. Either way it is being dragged with no problems and for $2.00 and set of Proto wheels and kadees I am pretty happy with it.

5 Cars for $10.00 is not bad, all so have Kadees left over that where under.

Cuda Ken