I was at my LHS this afternoon and was told the 2017 Walthers catalog will be a combined HO/N/Z rather than a seperate HO catalog, and they’ve cut the dealer concession (discount). Has anyone heard this or something to the contrary?
I would just chalk it up to a rapidly changing business model.
Remember the Sears catalog? RIP, 1993! JC Penney got rid of theirs in 2009? Walthers is probably looking at the cost of that catalog and the numbers of customers that actually buy one versus going strictly on-line which seems to be the trend.
I might mention too, that so many manufacturers—including Walthers—are producing a limited run, pre-order item so it would make no sense to include these items in a catalog that probably has to be edited and produced some 6 to 9 months beforehand, maybe more.
I wouldn’t consider it “financial trouble” so much as smarter business practice. Walthers uses customer feedback surveys and I’m sure they base their decisions on the results from those. Personally, I like the “Monthly Flyer” since it is more up-to-date and can feature sale and closeout items which is what I mainly buy from Walthers.
Just my 2¢
Regards, Ed
Walther’s hasn’t produced a Large Scale/O/S catalog in a while now. But there’s plenty in those scales on their website. I suspect that in the near future the HO/N/Z catalog will disappear as well.
These days you have to have a web site, so that becomes the catalog and order mechanism all in one, plus you can update it as often as you want. The printed catalog locks in for a year and part of it is obsolete before you get it. And really the Walther’s catalog hasn’t really had everything since Athearn and MDC were bought by Horizon Hobbies.
I haven’t bought a catalog in years.
I was told by a Walthers rep over the phone that they were combining them in celebration of some anniversary for the company or catalogue. Whether or not that is the whole story will have to be seen. That fact was enough to persuade me to pre-order one as I was due for a new catalogue anyway, but the opportunity to see what was available in the smaller scales while “reading” before turning in for the night sealed the deal. Ed’s comments sound perfectly reasonable as an explanation as well.
Could be, with all the post-economy downturn measures.
The catalog combination thing is the exact same thing the railroads did to streamliners, as ridership dwindled, trains were combined to save money or watered down to just 4 cars and later discontinued.
I think walthers is milking the products espescially the passenger car line by charging such a high price for them ($60-$70) vs($20-30). It was never like this in the eary 2000’s and it’s a shame the company can get away with it, and they pat themselves on the back as modelers flee! LOL
Maybe the catalog sales plummeted over the years because of the on line catalog and manufacturer’s web pages and news letters.
Before the computer age I would be concerned but,now all the product information you need is a click away and that includes cars and locomotives that’s been out of production for years.
My last Walthers catalog was 2001 the same year I entered the computer age…
The internet rumor mill seems busy tonight…
I think we’re lucky to have a paper catalog at all in this day and age. But not because I don’t think it’s worthwhile. It’s a LOT easier to browse on paper than it is online. And you’re more likely to stumble on something you never would’ve thought to search for, but which might be useful.
Yes, combining the catalogs probably is a concession to the cost of printing them. Consider also that Walthers now only provides full online access to data on other than active, stocked items if you join the Yardmasters club for a modest fee. The two are likely linked.
Whatever you think of it, printing a bunch of paper catalogs is not a sign of financial distress, but Walthers still trying to serve a shrinking base of customers who aren’t online.
You can’t say that, everyone will jump in and talk about inflation and the rising cost of doing business in China even while other products from there have not escalated in price like trains have in the same time span. Or they did something crazy and moved to a new country.
Or the fact that they buy companies and jack up the price on the same products in a new box.
Or they always come in the later stages of a game with an engine, freight car or passenger car and price it $10 below everyone elses.
Or that they keep slowly creeping up the price every time something is “limited released” yet again.
Last but not least, decontenting stuff and selling it at the former price and making upgrades so much you might as well have bought the ultra delux overpriced one to begin with.
I’ve never ordered directly from Walthers and I honestly never plan to for as long as it can be avoided. I buy local when I can or get it from elsewhere.
I was joking on the last part of my post. [:D]
I still see this catalog combination thing as Walthers cutting back…Inferior selection is much worse than no catalog at all.
So what is a fair and reasonable price for Walthers to sell Locomotives, Passenger Cars, Freight Cars, and Track at then? I’m curious
Half the stuff in that book isn’t even available.
For the Walthers Catalog? If so which year and stuff are you referring to?
Walthers is doing just fine, but this thread is turning into a real trainwreck…
One thing is for sure with today’s limited production and availability the Walther’s paper catalog is outdated as soon as it comes off the printing press.
Without the data required to conduct an audit, who’s to say if Walthers is in financial trouble. But, like Mike, I doubt it. Considering the comprehensive nature of the Walthers web site, they don’t even need a paper catalog any longer. A relic of the past. I haven’t bought one in years. No need to.
I heard on the news today that Verizon wants to stop printing business to business yellow pages.
Does that mean they are in trouble? I highly doubt it. My employer put all their publications online years ago. I think they just don’t see the need to spend the money on paper and ink. My guess is Walthers is thinking the same way.
But judging by the stuff that arrives at my doorstep everyday from that government sponsored ad agency I would say paper has not completely gone away.
I still use the yellow pages in an emergency and the only listed anymore are buisnesses, the white pages are long gone. I expect at some time Walthers to come out with their old cataloges on disk or download for reference. Now we come to the idea of how long do you think Model Railroader to still be printed?
Actually you can request a hard copy and they will send it to you.
The hand writing may already be on the wall since MR is digital too. All of the Western novels I buy is e-books as is my Stephen King and Dean Koontz books.
Walthers is fine, not going anywhere, as far as I can tell. Their catalog just doesnt really make too much business sense anymore, what with evertything you could want online.
Like others, I have not ordered a catalog from them in years, last one I got was when I joined the yardmasters club, as then the catalog is included.
I prefer the sales mailer, and online for my browsing of products, most of which are currently out of my price range anyways.
It started out as a train wreck by the original title; it was very suggestive of something extreme based on a change in the catelog - which common sense dictates that paper catelogs, magazines etc. are becoming dinosours and outmoded with the interent etc.