Jeffreys Trackside Diner, APRIL 2017! ALL are welcome, ALL ABOARD!

Good Evening,

I have never been to Maryland before so this will be an interesting journey for me.

Dave, if you send me your e-mail address by PM I will send you a photo of hte Martial Eagle and a few other interesting birds we saw in Botswana and South Africa. One was Pels Fishing Owl, a large brown owl that, you guessed it, feeds on fish. They are quite rare and we were lucky to see them on all 3 trips to the Okovango Delta. In our own yard, a large flock of Juncos has arrived. Always nice to see them on their way up north.

We are looking into doing another Africa trip next year but it is unlikely it will be back to Botswana. They have jacked up the prices substanially and as it is in US dollars, that adds close to 40% on the cost for us. We are now looking at Kenya. We were there in 2011 and 2007 but weren’t into birding at the time so there is a whole new dimension to any return trip there.

Ran the 0-8-0 again today. I will make up a train with it and see if the light Mike is behaving. The chuff sound cuts out on it. BLI sent me a new chuff sensor that they said would cause the problem but I haven’t installed it yet. I have a few small kits to assemble and think I will put together an Atlas platform kit that I plan on putting by the harbour spur for the tourist train.

Time to go down and watch more skating. The World Figure Skating championships are on right now. We recorded them so we can skip all the commercials.

CN Charlie

We often jaunt down to Lancaster to go to Strasburg RR. We just love it down there, although Lincoln Hiway is getting a bit too much overbuilt, I think, ruining the “Lancaster CHarm” of the Amish farming countryside.

In another time, we might have liked living down there.

For those uninitiated:


Evening Diners

Flo, Ed and I will have a [B] in a frosted B&O mug please!

Work Front Or should I call it Reading Front? Found a new to me writter I like better than Lee Childs, it is Daved Baldacci. Way better writter than Childs, but I am still a Jack Reacher Fan. Love the Camle Club series and John Carr / Oliver Stone.

April Fools Day Yep the day I joined the US Army? I wonder who the joke was on? I found out! [:-^] I found some photo’s of my self while is basic traning, company Alpha-15-4. Boy I looked and a Lean Mean Fighting Doork! Broke my wire rim glass after like 4 days so I was wearing the Army Issue Dork Glasses! Need to scan the photo so you folk and get a chuckle.

Train Front Made to Harbor Freight today and bought a new Multimeter for $6.48 with tax, I spare no expense on the CK Railroad! Seems the old one had spit the bite and readings where off. The Mighty Bessener SD 7 that Ed sent that BBQ a DH123 decoder with out a load was pulling a 0.43 amps and stalled at 0.86 amps? Ran it for a good 5 minutes before I stalled the engine. So how did it BBQ the decoder? [%-)]

Later, Ken

Garry - The latest issue was delivered on Saturday and the first thing I did was look for your photo. Very, very nice. Congratulations.

Tom … Thanks much.

we are in Orlando and I’m posting with iPhone.

Good Evening!

Just dropping by for a night cap. It´s been a slow day, mainly occupied with getting ready for the coming days. We´ll be heading for the hay soon, as we have to get an early start tomorrow morning. The alarm is set for 4.30am and we will leave for the hospital an hour later.

Both of us a rather edgy now, just hoping that everything wiill turn out just fine and Petra will recover quickly. I will stay with her until she wakes up and i can see that everything is OK with her.

CU tomorrow afternoon!

Give Petra our best. I hope the food at the hospital is better than what I got the last time I was in one.

Afternoon Diners,

It’s going to be a very long week. Charles medication is barely working. He’s acting like his normal self. It’s very hard for him to laid still and rest his leg.

Best wishes for recoveries for anyone who needs it.

Evening Diners

Wake up Flo! I will have a [B] and if Ed makes it in give him a Royal Crown on the rocks please.

See the Dinner was as slow as work today. Only had three customers and all of them at 4:00 PM, I close at 5. Did not spend much, like $450.00. Only good news is I got out on time!

Gary Hum, if by chance you don’t need that B&O Bag? [:-^] Well I am kidding, I have no need of it but I do find it quit fetching.

Ulrich and Petra Hope all goes well Monday which is 2:23 AM as I post. God bless both of you! [angel]

YGW Well I hope all is well with you as well! I know you have a powerfull backer and don’t have to use the VA health care.

Ed Guess you are busy on the layout. Do miss seeing you in the Dinner.

Anyone has this kind of Ladder? ZCI6IjY2NDcifQ%3D%3D

If so what do you think of it? I need a new ladder so I can clean the gutters.

Later, Ken


Janie, I could sure use a cup of decaf about now… please and thank you Ma’am…

Well… (Deep Subject!), I had a great weekend operating trains at 3 different model raoilroads over in the Syracuse, NY area. All of them were excellent and I had fun hanging around and working “crew” with everyone. One of them is in a brand new house (so new it doesn’t appear except in the very latest GPS directions. (even Googe didn’t know where the house was.) The owner has the trackage in built not much more. He has gotten enough scenery done to know this will be an outstanding pike! It is going to be HUGE! Probably around 1200 square feet not counting the crew room. Basically is the entire basement area. I worked with another guy for most of the trains I was assigned.

This morning I had the privilege to operate on one of the finest layouts anywhere!!! The owner is an MMR and his work is just plain incredible. He will take a bunch of photos of the prototype and then create a scene that is stone by stone identicle to the protoype. If fact he has (during a clinic) put up on the screen a photo of the prototype and a photo of his layout and ask us which is which. Half of us got it wrong!!! Absolutely amazing rock work and other scenery (Colorado). His layout is also huge and very complex, but very easy to learn how to run so I was very comfortable and had a great time.

I can tell you, I have come home with a renewed interest in getting back down and make some temporary items (Like a bridge) to be able to get my SLOW up and operating soon. I have been so busy trying get everything else done, I haven’t run a train in about 2 years down there. Gotta get the track up and running and start having opp sessions.

I also found when I got home today, in yesterday’s mail, a CD from an old friend who has had a lot of drawings published. In i

Hello all

As you can see I made it back! There was good news and bad news from the procedure. NO BLOCKAGES [tup] BUT they found another electric problem in the bottom of my heart called “PVCs” Hmmm we use that product in in plumbing in our houses ??? [:-^] It is being controlled for now by Meds.

Thanks everyone for the well wishhes and prayers ( the latter is especially coveted ) Garry, Alvie, Galaxy, Henry, Howmus…

Galaxy - excellent chioce in the diner location. I know Ken will be happy

Alvie - That is awesome a T1 ?! I am excited for you. Please share a photo with us when it arrives.

wojosa31 - Why next month ? Home float away with the 4" of rain ??? Traveling ?Hope you can make it in sooner…

Mr. B - L0L Pilgrims ?? Plymouth Rocks [bow]

LION - LOL let them blow into Minnesota ! Love your humor…

Angel - Morning Conrail day ? Didnt know there was such a thing

ROR - How did the kid ride go ? Did you all raise a bunch of money for the kids ? Is this for sick kids ? Kids in need ?

Kevin - Yes I agree it is beautiful and I can understand why you would feel the need to add it to your RR !

CN Charlie - When you get ready to go to Kenya let me know we have a few missionaries there and I can get some tourist info if you want…Make any progress on the kit builds ?

Ken - No kidding you joined the army of Aprils fool day ? How do you like the new diner location ??? Great isnt it ! Ken I have one of teh very early versions of that ladder. They are okay. They do not stand up well to commercial use BUT for the average HO they are pretty great. Yes thank you I do have some incredible back up !

Ulrich - Prayers for good outcome for you and Petra today.

Howmus - Sounds like you will be having fun building that !

Garry - Well I be ! How did Nessi get all the way over in Kentucky ![(-D]

History qoute of the day :

YUP… When I was in nursing school we had a rotation in the ICU. Of course we saw PVCs on the monitors, and so one studen asks me “What is a PVC?”

And so I tell her it stands for Poly Vinal Chloride.

She said no it doesnt, and so she grabbed a medical abbrivations dictionary and read

"Poly Vinal Chloride.

Go Figure.


Good Morning,

A nice day here with a high of about 55F and sunny! We have been invaded by Juncos but they usually just stay for a week or so before continuing on there northward trek. Sure are cute little birds but they do manage to consume a lot of bird seed. They only eat seed that is on the ground so it is a good thing we have a stone patio.

YGW, thanks for the offer. We have been to Kenya a couple of times so have a good idea of what we want to do.

Dave, there will be a delay in sending photos as our internet provider is having problems with Microsoft e-mail. Supposedly a fix is being worked on.

I put the light mike on the track and again no chuff sound so I decided it was time to fix it. BLI sent me a new chuff sensor last year. Getting the shell off was very easy but installing the new sensor not so as it is quite small and has to be soldered to a little board on top of the engine. I did get it done and I have sound again. Now I just have to re-set all the CV’s.

Hope Ulrich’s wife is doing fine after her surgery. Never fun as I can personally attest but here it is just 3 months since mine and I feel fine. As they say every day afterwards gets better.

Well time to get going. I have a fitness class today and then a few errands to get done.

CN Charlie

Hello Railfans!

In Baltimore this month? Ahaa, a place that I can contribute to the discussion. Was last there in 2010. Only a one day visit at that. B&O Museum needs atleast three days to really see and study it all. Ive been here multiple times. Mainly because its 1 of the only 3 places where PERE MARQUETTE equipment can be found. Plus, its the ONLY place on the right coast (as opposed to the left coast), being where I live, of the three.

Ofcourse there are other reasons aswell. Such as its a great place to see C&O equipment (my 2nd fav road) and they have a rather large collection from the 1800’s.

As the icing on the cake, there are volunteers everywhere (retirees mostly) around the museum that offer an abundance of knowledge for the patron. There is access to pretty much all the equipment giving you the ability to photog to your hearts delight.

There are even a couple of operating layouts on the property if you didnt already know that. So without further adieu, lets have a little pictoral review of March 11th, 2010…

Before she left Baltimore, 1309 was not in her best trim. Get a good look, hopefully she will never look like this again!

I dont care whatcha say, this is one dog gone fine locomotive design.

The Briggs and Stratton of locomotives… (no Ken, that is not a still on a flat car that we roll around from town to town with the diner [(-D])


Good Afternoon, Gang,

Chloe Dear, When the moment is right, I would like a double Denver with home fries, onions and a RBF, Please and Thanks.

Galaxy, Seems like old times with you opening the Diner this month. Glad to see you back more often. Maybe with some encouragement from here, you will get motivated and open up some of those stored trains and get a nice little layout started in that Sun Room of yours.

Garry, You travel so much you must never empty your suitcase. Have a great time in Floryda… Also A belated April fool’s Day to you too.

Ulrich & Petra. My Wife and I send our Prayers and Best Wishes to you folks and hope all goes as well or even better than expected.

YGW. Our Prayers and Wishes go out to you as well. Hope you are back in that new train room real soon.

This first quarter of this year has not been very great for many of us, but we are a tough Group and will survive, especially if we stick together.

We spent the last 10 days down in the Billings area, helping plan the upcoming Wedding of our Youngest Son (39) and his soul mate of 6 years. He and She are a good fit and think they will really support each other through this life. While there my Wife had a cold that she generously shared with me and I came down with a dooozzey. Had to get some antibiotics and even though the worst is past, the darn thing just won’t leave. Lots of coughing and nasal drainage so don’t get too close to this post.

Helped my Son with some home improvements that he is doing, all new plumbing and gas lines, new basement windows, etc. So was fairly busy until I had to rest a couple of days to get over the worst of this cold. It was almost like a Flu.

After taking a little rest from the LM&E,

The Fun Ride is part of a bigger event with a 62-mile and 34-mile ride. The money raised goes to community outreach progams in the area. The weather was perfect and the ride was sloooow but enjoyable. I had the responsibility of following the last/slowest rider which was a 4-year-old for the first part of the ride and a 7-year-old for the rest of the ride.

Afternoon all!. Flo, could I get a club sandwhich, cottage fries with white cheese on them and a glass of water? Thank you so much.

Hobby Front: As usual, juggling a bunch of projects. Five coal hoppers, 3 various boxcars, an engine house, an engine and a sand tower (and that’s just what’s in town!). I also have a list for the layout for tomorrow as well. A majority of those town projects are waiting on parts or paints. (The hoppers are the current active project. Just lots of decal pieces with those.)

Mentioning weather, as I type this it is all of 47 out today.

I am also watching my favorite baseball team play its opening day game. (Atlanta Braves for those wondering.)

Baltimore looks like a great stop for the diner. Railroad history wherever you look. After all, it was here first before headin’ west to the Mississippi.

YGW, I’ve had that for 25+ years. Didn’t know I had it. Showed up on a stress test, about 1990 ? Hasn’t slowed me down yet.


YOu got them too? I had to wear a Holter Monitor for 24 hours for them to find out what was going on with my heart.

Premature Ventricular Complexes—Hence PVC…appropriate cause it IS a problem with your “blood plumbing”!

It can be controlled by meds…which is great.

I also have tachycardia, and an infarct anomoly in my EKG.

But as long as it kinda beats and keeps me running and not feeling woozie…

Basically, if that’s all they found, YOUR FINE! That’s the good news!

In other news planning trip to Maui in 2018. There are three other couples interested in going, lets see who actually shows up when it comes booking time next january!

well, I guess pasketti for dinner

prayers for all who need them!


[#oops] Thank you for the invite YGW. I could go into a long dissertation about myself but I would run out of the maximum allowable words. So if you want to know anything about me, just ask! I will answer truthfully.

“If you can dream it, you can do it”

Walt Disney