Jeffreys Trackside Diner, APRIL 2017! ALL are welcome, ALL ABOARD!

This Diner is open to all forum members! For those joining “the regulars” for the first time - Jeffrey´s Trackside Diner is a place to gather, a place without an agenda or a topic. It’s free to all, to read, to join in, or just to enjoy some virtual food. Our gracious hosts ask only that we avoid certain hot-button topics like politics and religion that sometimes raise tempers. Please remember the Forum is owned by Kalmbach, and they set the rules. Please review the rules in Steven’s post at the top of the General Forum. (MR Forum Policies)

The place is managed by Vinnie - under the watchful eye of Steven Otte, who represents the owner. Waiting staff are Flo, the twins Chloe and Zoe, Janie and Brunhilda - friendly, no nonsense folks!

So come on in, enjoy the delicious virtual food and share your day with us!

The diner was renamed in homor of our dear deparated esteemed colleague, Jeffrey Wimberly, He IS sorely missed! As are our other departed members from the R.I.P. Track:

The RIP track is the place for us to pay our respect to our friends and forum members who are no longer with us.

  • Barry Arnold aka BlownoutCylinder<

Good Morning!

Are you enjoying your cuppajoe and breakfast? It’s WAFFLES, Sausage and eggs!

This month it was suggested we visit Baltimore, the home of the GREAT B&O railroad of yesteryear, a Place where much of railroading in this country started, and is known fodly as “The Birthplace of American Railroding”.

The B&O museum is a great place to start at their location at 901 W Pratt Street, Baltimore, MD 21223: is their official site.

Comprised of the oldest and most comprehensive collection of railroad history in the Western Hemisphere, the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Museum, Inc. is a unique cultural and educational asset for the city and the region. An unparalleled roster of the 19th and 20th century railroad equipment, original shop buildings, and surviving tracks at the historic Mt. Clare site provide an integrated resource to present virtually every aspect of American railroad development and its impact on our society, culture and economy.

The Baltimroe & Ohio Railroad Museum is dedicated to**:**

Good morning, Everyone!

We have left MARCH behind, it went so quickly!

Spring is springing! My TULIPs and SNOWBELLS and a few non-rembered bulbs are coming up!

Hence, of course, my SPRING ALLERGIES are starting! My thoughts to those who share my missery!

April Showers bring May flowers, so I can look forward to a lot of rain this month, but May will bust forth with blooms and blossoms and color!

Prayers for Ulrich and Petra for her surgery andhis struggles.

Prayers For YGW’s heart issues, maybe it would be appropriate to say “may the stent be with you”? if that’s all it is, that MAY be the best to hope for. Heart issues are no fun, I have a few minor ones myself, controlled adequately by medications {for now}.

Prayer’s for Mr. B’s knee issues, no fun, as I have torn ACL and MCL ligaments in mine. Hey, Mr. B, do you have a knee brace to wear? I do, It works GREAT.

Prayers for ALL who need them, i will light the prayer candle promptly at 7:00 AM.



Good Morning again

I lit the prayer candle earlier, at 6 AM, and said the daily prayer for all!

FOr those who are NEW here, we are NOT allowed to talk about religious issues, BUT: we ARE ALLOWED to pray for one another, as prayer has many definitions, and is not a praticularly religious “argumentative” item. That is the ONLY “religious” type thing we can discuss in the diner.

Other forbidden topics are in the FORUM RULES posting sticky at the top page of the general forum. They include, but are not limited to: religion, politics, guns, violence, train “tagging” {graffiti}, and more.

Here is a reposting of the forum basic rules for those who don’t know:

Stay away from divisive topics, like graffiti, hoboes, train-hopping, and what makes a “real model railroader.”

Avoid controversial off-topic subjects like race, religion, ethnicity, sex, violence, guns, abortion, politics, unions, and immigration, even in signatures. This extends to images, as well.

Be civil. No name-calling, insults, or put-downs (including accusing others of “trolling”).

Gidday Chloe, just a quick visit as It’s past my bed time.

Currently 0045 hours; calm, clear and 57 F, forecast high of 73 F.
Thoughts and Best Wishes to All that need them.
Cheers, the Bear.[:)]

Good morning …

Thanks again to all who contributed to the March Diner.

Galaxy … Thanks for starting the April Diner. Looks like it could be another fun month for the diner. … When I get back from our trip, I’ll look for photos i took at the B&O RR Museum many years ago. … We leave this afternoon.

The Loch Ness Monster was sighted here in our lake in KY this morning… April 1, 2017.

Good Afternoon!

I see Galaxy has already facilitated the move to the April 2017 location! Thanks for the smooth transition, Galaxy!

Petra and I will be spending a quiet weekend before it is “OP” day. Both of us are a bit nervous about what´s coming up.

I gave my Swiis layout a good cleaning with the vac. Over the year, just too much dust had accummulated to be just brushed off. While being at it, I also cleaned the track, but that was actually not necessary, thanks to gleaming. I use and old dried sponge cloth which has anice texture for this job. There was no gunk on the cloth.

The layout now looks great and the train runs fun - just the way it should after a thorough Spring cleaning!

It´s quite hazy in my neck of the woods, currently 65F with a 95% of rain later in the day - bah! Not my kind of weather!

Hmm, Garry, Nessie swam all the way here?

I thought about, and yeah, she could through underground streams![:-^]


Ulrich … Thanking of you ans Petra this morning. Praying all goes well for each of you.

YGW … I hope your procedure went well yesterday.

Hood morning everyone!

My thoughts and prayers to all who can use them.

I had a long shift yesterday. 16-hours from 7am-11pm at work.

I’m glad to see Baltimore is this month’s locale. I live in Lancaster PA, so I’m only 90-minutes away. I went to the B&O museum when I’d been I think 17-18 around there. I liked it a lot, and hope to get back sometime. Plus see sites in Baltimore as it is a fun place.

On the MR front, I ordered an unused Paragon2 T1 numbered 2102, in the Iron Horse Rambles scheme as a backup T1.


Regarding the B&O RR Museum … Here is a souvenir. Look at the dates on the bag, and you can see I purchased it long ago.

Good Morning. Happy Conrail Day!

Baltimore is a great choice to visit. Home to CSX, NS and Canton RR, a great and busy port, the Baltimore Orioles and Baltimore Ravens, Edgar Allen Poe and Babe Ruth. I lived there in 1984-1985, a very happy time. Baltimore was a great place to live.

It’s rather cold and raw today in Jersey, we had almost 4" of rain yesterday.

Well, it’s been nice, see y’all next month.

We have a saying here in Massachusetts. “If April flowers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring? Pilgrims.”

Yes, I do have a knee brace, and I wear it while playing hockey or doing other strenuous things. The knee is feeling better, and yes, I’ll be playing hockey again on Tuesday. The doctor said I could.

We’ve got snow again, but not the foot+ of white stuff they predicted. It looks like we’ll top out at a few inches. I have sufficient beer to last through the afternoon.



The Rain in North Dakota stays mainly in Minnesota.

May Showers Bring June Flowers.

We do not rake leaves in North Dakota, we let them blow into Minnesota!

LION is coming over for dinner…

Morning diners,

I to celebrate the formation of Conrail and Amtrak. I only do two because I don’t want to get carried away.

Yes and Plymouth Rocks.

Good. Had I not had the knee brace on on Monday when I broke the axle, and got out and slipped in the mud, I might have damaged my knee. Fortunately all I have is a big red strawberry in the hole around the knee cap.

Well I’ve got a few errands to run.

Have a great day


Today is the El Tour de Mesa, a charity bike ride. I will be riding in the Bike Patrol for the “fun ride,” a ten-mile ride for kids and families. Bike patrol means offering words of encouragement, assistance with bike problems, the occasional gentle correction, and the the very occasional accident. It will be the slowest ride of the year. Last time I did this, it took me almost 90 minutes to ride 10 miles. (Normally 10 miles would take me around 35 minutes.) Ah, but it is for the kids.

Galaxy Welcome to Bawlamer hon!

Ulrich best of luck on Monday for Petra

Jimmy What has happened this year does not mean the rest of your life will be like it is now. You have so much more ahead of you. Sometimes today does suck.

YGW Those are worisome symptoms. Hopefully they took care of it yesterday. Get back to us when you can.

Here’s the Viaduct Hotel, site of Relay House, where they used to change horses, in the days before steam. Later it was a place to change trains. It eventually fell out of use was boarded up and torn down

It was next to Thomas Viaduct.

Laste week I stayed in a hotel in Americus, Georgia that was 125 years old! It is beautiful. For some reason I feel the need to include a compressed version of this building on my layout.



