July 2006 MR Super Chief/El Capitan


I am in the process of superdetailing my Kato F7’s, and was wondering if there is a trick to getting the Z scale couplers onto the front of the A units? According to the directions on the micro trains box, it is very simple, however I am running into clearence issues. I am thinking this might (very strong might) be because of the fact that perhaps my Kato F7’s are newer than the ones the author used in his article, and eprhaps have been machined differently??? However, I am probably doing something wrong!

Also does any body have a picture of the F7’s with the new fiber optics, installed as per the article? The only reason I ask is because I want to see what it looks like lit up before I install them. The article has a picture of the unlit version.

Thank-you in advance for all your help!!!