Just Curious About CSX 5103

This a long shot question for anyone with CSX at Hamlet or Atlanta. A train broke down last Saturday between Monroe-Wawhaw,NC. The CSX 5103 is the engine that had the problem. See below the reponse

They finally got moving around 9:30 that night. I heard that 5103 had a
truck lock up.

I started this post last Saturday on another forum and saw the reply about the truck, so what did this mean? Did a traction motor go out, or did it loose power to traction motors, did axles freeze up? It took 10+ hour to get it going. I would think the repair crew would have came from Hamlet or Charlotte? What happened to CSX 5103?

usually if the truck locks up, its because the pinion gear broke and wedged itself inside causing the traction motor to lock up, and slide the wheels, not good! It would take time for a crew to come out than once there they would have to use torces to cut away the offending pieces before said engine could be moved again. I know they had that happen out here once, bout 8 trains behind they drug the train into a siding at 10 mph to clear the main.