K-Line 0/027 diesel engine

Hi and glad to be a member I recently purchased a used MP-15 ENGINE and am trying to remove the shell . It needs a good cleaning and bulbs changed . your help is greatly needed Thank you , superbee446

superbee446 - Welcome to trains.com! [C):-)]

there are usually a pair of screws underneath the trucks. I have not been into o gauge for a while so i might be wrong though.

Thank You I am looking foreward to learning here [:)]


You can get a faster answer on the Classic Toy Trains forum.

Hello and welcome to Classic Toy Trains forum. Regarding your question, I am not sure with the particular engine you are talking about, but usually, there is either a screw at one end with a slot in the other, or a screw at both ends. It would be where the plastic top meets the metal frame. If you don’t see one there, look under the frame at the ends. It may have four screws. Take care that any wires for lights, etc. are not ripped when you take the top off. Also, make sure no wires get pinched when putting the top back on. I am sure someone here has one, as K-line used this engine with a lot of starter sets. They also had a number for separate sale.


Dennis thank you very much !!! no one seemed to be able to give a answer to my problem other than start unscrewing screws and good luck . As you suggested there is a tiny screw in the front of the shell going north south and when removed along with the tops of the railing just a slight pull outboard the shell was able to slide foreward approx an 1/8 th of an inch and move upward and off it came…again thank you very much you made my day !!!

I think the screw is in the front of the engine and the shell is removed by sliding off of the backside by the cab. On the original run with the K-Line MP-15 for Kennecott Copper, a circuit board would go bad and one motor ran much faster than the other motor and caused derailments. I had to send my engine in for warrenty repair by K-Line. Also the gears make a lot of noise for a diesel engine, even when well lubed.

Welcome superbee446, [#welcome]

My K-Line MP-15 has one screw in the front of the shell. Take that out lift the shell up over the screw tab and pull it forward off the bent tab in the rear and you there. Sounds like you got it. [Y]