Kadee couplers

I know what the general difference is between the #5 standard and the #148 whisker couplers. A number of years ago I had some cars to change and learned that I couldn’t put the standard in the pockets on them and I had to get the whisker.

What I don’t know is why. On their website they state Anywhere a NO.5 is listed, the #28, #58 or #118, #119, #158, #148 Whisker Coupler can be used in its place. From my experience the reverse is not true.

Can someone explain this?


Might have to do with the thickness of the spring plate of a #5.

The only reason I can see for not using the standard #5 is that the draught gear box which came with those cars was too small to accept the phosphor-bronze spring normally used with a #5.
I don’t know if they’re still available, but Kadee used to have a #15 with a knuckle similar to the #5, but rather than the phosphor-bronze spring, it used a coil spring in the portion of the shank which was behind the pivot point.

Below is a similar (but much earlier Kadee coupler) illustrating that set-up…

The couplers were not magnetic, but could be uncoupled mechanically by a “ramp” installed in the track, which was activated by a button on the control panel. All of my locos and rolling stock from that timeframe used that version of the Kadee couplers.

If you can’t fit a #5 and its associated spring into the car’s draught gear box, remove the box, and if necessary, shorten the car’s centresill so that there’s enough room to install #5 couplers in #5 draught gear boxes. Secure them to the car using #2-56 screws.

To remove draught gear boxes that are part of the cast underbody, a chisel-type blade in your X-Acto handle (and maybe a file) should get the job done.

Here are some cars with Kadee #5s in the standard draught gear boxes on Train Miniature cars…


Now that you said it I am remembering that was exactly the problem I ran into. The spring wouldn’t fit in the pocket.

I guess the car manufacturer wanted to use the cheapest couplers available and designed the pockets to accept them. It was an easy problem to fix by just using the whisker couplers.


Specifically what is the problem you are having?

I have had situations where the manufacturer of the model didn’t hold very good tolerances in the manufacture of the draft grar box or have had some with so much paint in them it had to be scraped away in order for the Kadee bronze centering spring to fit properly.

On those occasions I have removed the offending, poorly molded draft gear box and replaced it with a suitable box from the Kadee line.

Many early Intermountain, Atlas and Proto 2000 cars even had glued-in boxes with glued-on covers. Yukk!

Good Luck, Ed

The whisker version fits a narrower coupler pocket or a shorter pocket. The #5 spring needs a particular length and width draft gearbox in ores to fit.

Have you contacted Kadee to ask them?

Kadee makes a narrower coupler box that can be used with 148s. It is a bit restrictive, doesn’t allow delayed uncoupling if you want that feature. At least it didnt work for me. They work fine otherwise. Dan

That’s useful info. Some of my couplers don’t work with the Kadee delayed uncoupling in-track magnets. I wonder if the centering spring force is higher on those cars. Or does the Kadee delayed uncouple only work with genuine Kadees?

I bought a high end Kadee 40’ boxcar that came with the smaller coupler. I wanted to replace it with a 148 but discovered it would not accept either a 148 or a 5 which seems rather ironic to me. I can’t remember what the issue is and I no longer have it as I gave it away in a trade.

I agree the problem is with the coupler box that comes with the equipment. I’ve bought a couple of cars that came with a non-Kadee ‘semi-scale’ coupler where a regular No.5 wouldn’t fit because the bronze spring gizmo wouldn’t fit, but a whisker Kadee would fit.