LA Metro expansion - Purple (D) Line and Regional Connector

The existing Purple Line subway is being extended west, ultimately past UCLA to the VA complex just west of I-405: The first phase to Wilshire/La Cienega may be completed by 2023, and Metro wants the final phase to be complete by the 2028 Olympics.

Purple Line ext construction pics:

As mentioned in other posts, the Regional Connector will link the existing Blue, Expo and Gold light rail lines into two lines; one will run from Santa Monica to east LA and the other from Long Beach to Asuza. Completion for use is expected in 2021:

RC construction pics:

Due to the mostly underground nature of the construction, most photos are anticipated to be from Metro sources.

For a geographic overview, here is my Google map of Metro Rail stations:

It would be helpful if Purple Line and RC updates are put in separate posts.

Purple Line updates:

The final SEIS was released by the FTA: Lots of wordy history to wade through.

Fossils are continuously being uncovered in this first phase of construction. Recently some rare mammoth remains were removed about a mile east of the famous La Brea tar pits:

Regional Connector updates:

Start of cut-and-cover construction on Flower St.:

Photos of concrete pours at the Grand Ave station:

The TBM ‘Angeli’ excavating the second tunnel has reached the Grand Ave station box: The first tunnel took much longer to build as numerous undocumented obstacles were encountered, such as a crumbling 100 y/o storm drain.

The TBM will now finish its employment by boring south to about 4th and Flower; this is near the location of the former Pacific Electric tunnel which has been penetrated in several places by newer high rise building foundations.

I was by Alameda and 1st Streets in Los Angeles today. No big hole was present as seen on aerials, but barricades were everywhere.

The plan was to park on a side street and walk to Alameda and 1st Streets, but that was wishful thinking as NO parking spaces were anywhere.

Perhaps the next time I’ll board in Azusa and ride the Gold Line all the way to downtown Los Angeles, through Union Station, and disembark at Alameda and 1st Streets for photos.

Regional Connector update

The TBM ‘Angeli’ has finished her job and will be removed from the ground at 4th and Flower.

I wouldn’t make a special trip - the contractor will have high fencing all around that might not even include a peephole. If available, a view from the NE corner of the portal site would be enlightening. Metro has not published anything recently AFAIK.

Purple Line update

As mentioned in News Wire, Metro has broken ground on the Purple Line extension:

The 2nd phase extension is west of the Wilshire/La Cienega station, currently under construction.

Regional Connector update

Concrete is being poured at the Grand Ave. station box:

Hey, at least it’s not pics of paint drying. [^o)]

Regional Connector update

The Metro blog reports that the contractor is making ‘significant progress’ on the Flower street ‘cut and cover’ portion of the tunneling; this segment will connect to the existing 7th/Metro station.

Purple Line update

Tunnel boring by two, slightly staggered machines has finally started eastward from the Wilshire and LaBrea pit:

Work will proceed two miles to the existing Wilshire/Western station where the TBMs will be removed; tunneling will then resume to the west from Wilshire/LaBrea to Fairfax and finally to La Cienega (1.8 miles total) in this phase of the project. Operation is scheduled for early 2024-ish.

EDIT: some catchup on older Source posts:

Regional Connector update

Work continues on the cut-and-cover section of the RC along Flower street:

Meanwhile, ongoing station work is uncovering more fossils:

It’s hard to believe that work is only about 50% complete, with opening estimated to be sometime in 2021.

Regional Connector ‘update’

The project completion has slipped to 2022. As seen on a recent Science Channel program, the construction portal on Flower street now is being used for street restoration: The Alameda / 1st portal is being extended to a ‘box’ where the track reaches street level.

The project picture gallery has some great photos but they aren’t organized by location:

Purple (D) Line update

The new Metro website divides the project into three parts. Here is the page for section 1:

Wilshire/La Brea


Wilshire/La Cienega

LA Metro system maps:

Regional Connector ‘update’

Here is the updated project page:

They apparently completed trackwork earlier this year:

They are still slogging along on station completion, about 90%. No official opening date yet other than ‘2023’.

My Google LAMetro station map (periodically updated):

Regional Connector update (perhaps final?):

After many years of delay Metro finally has announced that the Regional Connector will open on Friday June 16. Hurrah! See more details at these pages:

The existing line from Little Tokyo to Azusa will be relettered from L to A and color blue. The existing line from Little Tokyo to East LA will be relettered from L to E and the whole line will be color gold.