Landscaping Grass and Earth with FLOCKING

I am in the process of re-building my entire layout and now I wanted to try something different for the Grass and Earth on my mountain scenery, etc… So I saw that a lot of Flocking is being used and decided to try it. I contacted a company in Winnebago, IL (formally of NJ) called FLOCK IT! LTD. They are also known as Donjer Prod. Co… They were very helpful and even blend colors of flocking (for a very small fee of I believe $1.00or $2.00 per 1 lb. bag) to match what you want as far as color. I see also that a lot of Model Railroad Clubs are using the Flocking for Grass. But has anyone ever used the Brown Flockings for EARTH? If so how do you like the results? Thanks!