Large scale and O gauge train manufacturer Aristo-Craft/Polk's to close

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Large scale and O gauge train manufacturer Aristo-Craft/Polk’s to close

It is a shame that another source for model railroad supplies is closing. I have a resonable sized garden layout that is 99% Aristocraft track and equipment. I guess the economy and the ever increasing cost to the consumer has taken its toll.

No doubt the large scale and 027 product line of trains will be purchased by other manufacturers. This will probably create a delay in having some items reappear on the market. Keep in mind, any products returning will be those that have been the best sellers and quite possibly carry a higher price tag.

The weak US economy combined with an uncertain future for many workers has and will continue to have a profound effect on all model train sales at home and abroad alike. I’m certain that other hobbies are suffering the same overall lack of sales with shelves full of unsold inventory as well.

Even when the retail prices are discounted, minimum wage workers and fixed income retirees still cannot afford to invest in model railroading. Sadly, this will see more brick and mortar hobby shops close their doors as well, not only in the US, but around the world as well.