
Hi I am building a small N scale layout for my 2 year old (4X4 or 4x8). I am looking for a plastic clear dome to put over the layout so he won’t get it! I have seen them at shows and hobbie stores but not for sale. Any Idea would be appreciated it.


I’ve never heard about layout-domes, but there’s a company that builds layouts under glass (can’t remember where though)


You would be better off investing in Brio or similar wood trains for your 2 year old. When s/he reaches around 6, and they are still interested, construct a layout for them.


What ever you do, with a 2 year old “DO NOT USE GLASS” to protect your layout, as suggested get her a set of wooden trains to play with, I think you can find some with a Disney theme. If you must protect it use plexie glass available at home depot. She’s more important then a few trains that can be replaced.

Sorry, I ment HIM, I have 2 daughters.

To respond to your QUESTION, I would pull out your local telephone directory and look under PLASTIC DISTRIBUTERS. I used to work for a refrigeration company that made grocery store coolers and salad bars for resterants. sp? A local plastic shop made them for us. So, if you can’t find a plastic shop in your area, check out the local commercial refrigeration co. Good luck…Jamie

Check your local Lowes’ or Home Depot for skylights. Most are made of very strong and everything resistant acrylic. The Brio would be a first choice for now but might help to have as the foundation of a lifetime hobby. (it was MY first train)