Layout Help: What to do next?

My track has been laid and wired onto the 2 inch foam.It has been glued down. What should I do next? Should I clean or test it? Should I start with the landscaping? I just don’t want to miss anything.


My recommendation would be to relax and run trains for a bit. This is more to test out the track and find any potential problem spots than anything else. Run through all the switches, in both directions. Run both your diesels and steam (if you have both) as steam locos tend to be less forgiving of any track erors.

If you have any spots where you see continued rough running or derailments, you’ll want to make any corrections before going any further.

Clean the track if you suspect any pickup problems (stalling, hesitating)

Oh, and while you’re not busy laying track, go over to the ‘General’ forum and reply to the “Screen name meaning” thread. This one I really want to hear!

Anyway, just my opinion.

Congrats on getting the track done!!


Suggest the following 7 steps:

  1. Clean the track
  2. Start running trains
  3. Fix any bad spots you notice in track.
  4. Place buildings or cardboard mockups on layout… Don’t glue down…
  5. Run trains, noting clearance or visibility problems.
  6. Run more trains, make sure the operation satisfies you.
  7. Run more trains and start scenery when sure trackplan is exactly what you want.

Before starting the scenery is the time to rip out & relocate track.


I agree, run some trains, it is easier to fix problems now, think about the landscping, place your buildings and such, you will start day dreaming pretty soon about scenes you would like to make,

Ok thank you all for the advice. I’m no longer at a loss at how to approach my ‘situation’. [:)]

By the way, Ed, I added my name to the “Screen name meaning” thread.

The above suggestions are on target as this is where Im at now. Just food for thought, I found gliches in great track (or so I thought) by running trains backwards in a few spots. Also this months MR has a great article on tuneing up cars. Running things backwards kind of highlighs problems.

Model railroading is like buying a boat…its nice to have two more feeeeet. Enjoy…John