Layout withdrawal.......

Hello all,

I beleive that I have went through layout withdrawal in the past month and a half. Today was the first time I worked on my layout in a month and a half. I had forgotten how great working on a layout feels. Im glad to be back. I think most of it has to do with the fact that two months ago I got a girlfriend.

Most of my posts in the past month and a half have been nonsense and stupid and I am sorry for posting them.


Happy Railroading.[swg][swg]

Wow do you have enough quotes on your signature? I think you may need about two more.

It’s good you’re working on the layout. Congrats on the GF.

They’ll do that do you! [:D]

I got to run my train around the track a little this weekend as I was working on the turnouts. It had been wrapped in plastic while I worked on the landscaping. Today I sealed it up again. More landscaping. At least I got a little running in.

All that to say, I know what you are going through.

I destroyed my 8x4 in January and am only in the rebuilding stages of my new empire. As a result, I haven’t run a train since late December!!! I’m getting the shakes!!! Fortunately I’ve been sating my train thirst with layout work and custom painting my loco’s. But if I don’t get my wiring in soon you’ll find me curled up in a ball under the train table mumbling gibberish.

Gratz on getting back to working on the layout, and on getting a girlfriend. I hope she okay with your hobby.



Nothing like women to make men spout nonsense and stupidity! All that blood flowing away from the brain…

Spring is traditionally “get back to the layout” season for me–with a book deadline off my back and school coasting towards a stop, I had some time to putter around with some metal poli***o try that track-polishing trick, re-solder some track connections that had broken in my temperature/dust challenged layout space (aka the un-insulated, un-sealed garage) and work some more on backdrops (I now have a lovely beige skyline, now I just need a clear weekend day to take everything outside and shoot the walls with blue spray paint.) The track-polishing phase was accompanied by some ad-hoc operation, shuffling cars out of the yard in order to get access to the track for polishing.

I know what you mean about the garage, same place I have my layout. Thanks for your replies.


Happy Railroading.[swg][swg]


what is this amazing girlfriend thing everyone talks about? some people at skool have them, but i checked the skool store and nothing was labeled"girlfriend".
seriously, concider youre self luckey that way, SOME OF US (ahem) are completly hopeless. [|(]

I was hopless for a long time also. This is my first one.


Happy Railroading.[swg][swg]

Woman. Sometimes you can’t trust them. That’s if she like Trains.

You think you have layout withdrawals; I haven’t had my own layout in over 10 years. It was high school since my first and only one. During my sophomore and Junior year my family lived in Orem, UT and since we had our first basement, my dad let me have a 4x8 in the utility room. Never finished it before we moved back to San Diego, and I then started with the whole girl thing. Now being 29, married with a son, I’m just itching for my in-laws to move out (Their house is being built) of my house so that I may take their room and build a layout. My wife thinks that I’m crazy because it was two years into our marriage that I picked back up in the hobby from going cold turkey. She had no clue that I loved trains. Now my 20 month old son is crazy about trains too. Now she really has a headache.

It is all relative. I broke up my layout after using it only one year, last week. I am having withdrawal symptoms, too. My wife is actaully harassing me to get on with a new one.

Problems, problems…

I’m not sure which is worse, railroad withdrawal or girl withdrawal…

okay, thinking about it for a second, girl withdrawal is worse. Finding a girl who likes trains (generally this means that she’s tolerant of your weird habits) is an ideal situation. My wife, like selector’s, prefers that I play with trains to having me run around late at night DJing at nightclubs…although I still do a bit of that.

I have not worked on my layout since about March 25 I dont plan on doing any thing major nay time soon i do however want to get my $50 dollar layout from a yard sale wired up[:)] And some more to the N scale but i do most of my work in the winter and late fall. Tim