Leeds Sovereign Street & Clarence Dock - a UK based layout

Hi Everyone. A newbie here. I model a UK based in layout. Here is a photograph of Clarence Dock after the rainfall.


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I don’t know what you did, but it didn’t involve following all the directions in the sticky on How To Post Photos

We can’t even click on your link. That sounds harsh, and I don’t mean to be harsh. Posting pics in this forum is unlike any other forum I’ve been in. Your pic is here;

There is photo software that does what is called photo stacking. It puts together multiple photos, focused at different points to create extreme depth of field. Your pic could use that.

Back to posting pics. At the bottom right on Flickr is an upward arrow pointing right. Click on that. Choose BB link and copy that. That includes information that points to Flickr and your account. All you need is the open bracket just to the left of img] everything that follows and the closed bracket just after /img]

Paste it as text in your post, without any of the picture or link icons.

Thanks BigDaddy. It was my first picture post. I shall have to get it right for posting photos.


Here is a picture of a London, Midland & Scottish (LMS) Jubilee Class locomotive number 5699 Galatea heading north to York.


(Hopefully this is correct.)

LMS locomotive 6149 Lady of the Lake taking on water at Sovereign Street Station


Hi everyone (again). I have posted another photograph, hopefully correctly. (I’ll not know until after 24 hours.)

Meanwhile, a little history about Leeds Sovereign Street & Clarence Dock Railway. It is a layout set in three timeframes. One is in 1914 to 1919. The second 1930s and the third is 1968 to 1978

In the 1890s the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company built a line from Dewsbury Market Place Station to Leeds Central with a station at Leeds Sovereign Street. They then built another line from Sovereign Street to Wetherby; with the intention of reaching York.

A small railway company, Kirkstall & East Seacroft Railway had running rights through Sovereign Street on to East Seacroft.

More to follow with hopefully a plan of the layout.


[#welcome] to the forum David. Nice layout!


You are a quick learner. Love the Brit steamers.

Thanks for the welcome, Simon.

Thanks for the help, Henry.

As mentoned (above) the layout is set in three timeframes.

In the beginning I ran only diesels in the 1968/78 timeframe. Then my young grandchildren (aged 6,5,4,3 and 3) wanted to join in.

We began to run little four wheeled steam engines and four wheeled trucks as they were easy to handle. I became ‘hooked’ on running the steam engines, so when the grandchildren are not here a 1914/1919 timeframe was implemented.

The strange thing now, is that the grandchildren are always want to run the diesels. My younger granddaughter is even more interested in the real engines and is often seen at Heritage Museums.

I have a liking of LMS locomotives and have a small collection of six engines. When I run them the scene becomes 1930s.

Therefore I have one track layout, but can run trains in different eras. All great fun.


Hi David,

I’m glad that you were able to figure out how to post your photos to the forums. Your scenes are very detailed. Please show us more!



A scene at Sovereign Street Yard

A Hudson Ward Flour Millers closed van has been unloaded at Hudson Ward’s Warehouse. George Clarke is closing the van doors.

Hello and welcome to the forum. Those are some nice scenes. I’ll have to show them to my wife, who was born and raised in South Shields, Tyne & Wear but immigrated to the US 9 years ago. Sounds like you live in Newcastle area.

Thanks for your comments, Dave. Much appreciated.

Here are three LMS Locomotives at Crown Point yard

Princess Class Lady Patricia, Duchess Class Duchess of Sutherland and Jubilee Class Galatea.


Hello riogrande5761. Thanks for the welcome.

I was born and raised in Leeds, Yorkshire and grew up there and Dewsbury, Yorkshire. I travelled around Europe for a little while before moving to Washington (near South Shields).

I married and we moved to near the Scottish Borders. We spent a short while in New York, USA before moving back to South Tyneside.

One of my other hobbies is cruise ships and I have a number of photographs taken from South Shields of ships at the Port of Tyne.

My layout although set in and around Leeds, has scenes of around the North of England that bring back memories.


The Sovereign Street section of the layout is 4ft long 1ft 8inches wide tapering to 1ft wide. The scenery is set to 1914/19 time with soldiers on the platform an hospital staff outside the station

Two views of the station and yard

Goods trains pass.

A view of the Yard.


That takes me back. A Lancashire lad (out of water down South) watching the goods wagons and vans get shunted at Battle station in the late 50’s and early 60’s. Lots of banging and chuffing.

It was years before I figured out what the clock hands were for on the front of every locomotive boiler, they never seemed to show the correct time of day.

A red rose lad and a white rose lad. [:D]


Another scene of Sovereign Street 1914/19 time. A Kirkstall & East Seacroft Railway passenger train is about to depart for Kirkstall. The different heights of coaches was typical of the time. To get the effect, the taller coaches are 00 scale the lower one is HO scale.


0-4-0 Tank?

Is that a rolling stock gauge hanging over the right hand line?

The detail you include is really convincing.

Thanks Lastpikemike. Your comments are appreciated.


Yes it is a rolling stock gauge. No overloading. [:)]