Lionel 2432 Clifton passenger car

I am looking for any parts for the 2432 clifton car such as the dome roof, body , frame and trucks. Anyone have anything let me know ok? Ironhorse

What don’t you need? The bulbs?

Seriously though, if you are building this from the ground up, you may be better off buying a few complete parts donors and assemble the best parts for one good one.


I Have a Clifton Passenger Car without the dome. I was hoping to find the dome.

If you don’t find one, the roof of a 15113 “Culebra 2404”, “Tucumcari 2404” (part of set 11929), 16056 “Pullman”, or 16059 “Vista Dome” will fit perfectly, except for lacking the holes for the “ventilator” screws, which you would also need to have.