Lionel store in Kenilworth New Jersey

Does anyone remember if there was a Lionel store in Kenilworth New Jersey back in the 1960’s ? I think south21st street near the American Legion Hall.


The only big hobby shop I know of in the North Jersey area was the late, lamented Hiway Hobby House in Ramsey, it’s where I used to spend all my money before I met Lady Firestorm, although I’m sure there were quite a few others.

You may want to contact a local historical society in the Kenilworth area, I don’t know if there is one but there just might be.

Remember one thing that might add to the difficulty of your search. Back in the old days a lot of hardware stores and sometimes auto parts stores carried Lionels around Christmastime. I remember as a young boy, maybe age six, going to a local hardware store in New Jersey with my father a few weeks before Christmas and the wall behind the checkout counter was LOADED with Lionel trains! Impressed the hell out me!

Anyway, good luck with your search!