I have some Lionel tenders with no numbers on them. How can I ID them?
I have some Lionel tenders with no numbers on them. How can I ID them?
Post pictures, inc. sides, ends, & especially the bottoms, and let the forum members do it for you!
If you want to do some investigative work on the postwar tenders, start HERE and see if you can identify them from the locomotives they were paired with. It’s a good reference, but not exhaustive.
Without numbers, they come down to “style” of tender, such as Santa Fe, Slopeback, Large Streamline, Small Streamline, etc… You need to post pictures, to I.D. What style they belong to.
There is a comprehensive article on postwar tenders by John Grams on pate 79 of the September, 2001, CTT that may help if you can find it.
There is an inexpensive chart available that matches engines and tenders, along with other useful charts.
And once again, a “Hit & Run” post, and the original Poster vanishes!!! I could easily answer his request, with a comprehensive (EXCEL Spreadsheet), with corrections, to others lists, that have been posted, through the past few years, along with having Doyle’s Guide to Postwar, (one section devoted strictly to Tenders, in front of the book). It cease amaze me, when members post questions, then vanish!!! I guess I am ranting for no reason.
Well, lets see. My post was 5 days ago. I guess there is a time limit on responses. Sorry, didn’t know that.
Enjoy your rant. I don’t want to be a “hit and run”. I don’t sit at the computer all day long. I’ll find my info elsewhere.
To those who helped me with my questions, thank you. I’ll be leaving now. Have a good year teledoc. Done here.
I don’t need the rude posts to my questions.
Find a copy of David Doyle’s Postwar book, 2007 edition, and all the tenders for Postwar are pictured with explanations, of each style.
Actually 2 days , but in here we get a lot that come in and ask a question, never to be heard from. Sorry this happened but we do get that. Now personally I was thinking the same earlier until I saw it has only been a couple of days. I hope you find your answer. I hope you read this. Another round about way thou you could goto ebay to where there is O scale trains, click on the side bar for Lionel and then 1945 - 1969 and then type tender in the search bar and see if you can find one like yours. Now one warning thou and that is Lionel used the same shell on about 2 or 3 different tenders just gave them different names
Just one more comment, You would also get tired of consently answering question and the original poster doesn’t even come back and reply thanks or anything so you know he is coming back and reading what you put.
Rtraincollector, You understand the situation completely, which happens on the other train forums also. You have an answer, and want to help, but the original poster never comes back. I typically look to see if the OP, is brand new, or has been on the forum for a while. A brand new forumite, will get minimal response, until further info has been supplied. I visit here (less & less), OGR, & MTF, daily, and have seen the “brand new” forumite, join all three, and post the same request on all 3 forums. They may get their answer, on one of the forums, that satisfies their question, and then instantly Vanish.
My main reason for not using this forum more, (which was my 1st train forum), is the software change to this latest version, and the problem, with having to use 3rd party photo sites, to post photos. The site software upgrade took some options away, that were easy to use, but not available now. ( The old version, you could tell who was actively on-line, at a given time). Make it easier to post photos directly from your computer. It’s just frustrating at times.
Got it figured out. I have a 6466W tender and the whistle even works!
Thanks for all the info!
Now back to get my 2332 GG1 up and running.