Logging Camp For Club Layout --- WIP (pics)

Hi There;
In a moment of temporary insanity I suggested a Logging Branch & Camp would look good on our Club RR. The Pres responded --“GREAT IDEA!! GO AHEAD!!” So here are some WIP pics.

The Beginning

Basic Ground Cover

Track Layed & Weathered

Bunkhouses & Donkey Engines .Spar Trees & loading boom & All Rigging To Be Installed

Another View Of Bunkhouses & Donkey Engines. Stumps, Slash & Weeds etc. Next On The List. More Pics To Follow.

looks great , although some might say the track is too nice looking for a logging branch [:)]

I agree. One thing I like about logging railroads is that poor trackwork is often prototypical. [;)]

That is one nice start Tom. I don’t recognize the bunk houses but the donkey sheds look scratch built. It is the neatest logging camp I have ever seen, but I suppose that is because none of the loggers have arrived yet. Mine looked great as long as the carpenters were the only ones on site.

Thanx Art. The bunkhouses are scratchbuilt as well. As I said all the junk , stumps & litter etc. is next to be done

tomm: A great start , first enlarge the logging area and slowly encroach on the other existing layout until it is gone and you have taken over the whole layout as one large logging camp, hooray for logging ! !