I’ve been given a walthers depot for a branch line project based in the 1910-1930. Based around a logging line with passenger services still running. (My own little world)
Been free i didn’t like saying no, but im unsure as to the era and what detail could be be added to make it more in keeping. Any advice and pics welcome.
The other mystery is the light fitted, does any know the voltage surply needed?
That certainly could fit for your 1910-30 era. If you perform a Google image search for “1910 train depot” (or any year after that), you’ll see a number of wood-framed depots with similar features. Whether such a station fits with your vision of a logging line only you can say.
As far as the lighting, I don’t believe that it was factory-provided, so was likely to have been installed by someone after purchase. So there is no way of predicting what the voltage should be. If it were my model, I might start with 1.5 volts and increase a bit at a time to find a pleasing brightness. Or if the lamp is visible, posting a photos may help someone help you by recognizing the type and voltage.
That depot should look fine on any layout as far back as the 1870’s-80’s. I don’t know if the pre-built versions are lighted as I built a kit one. I don’t think it came with a lightbulb, but if it did I’d assume it would be a 12V one. I installed an LED in mine. Can’t remember the brand right now, but they’re in the Walthers catalog. They come with resistors built in so you can use them with any power, even connect them right up to DCC track power.
The light is factory fitted. i builded up the voltage from 3v ect… its seems to be 12v. although the idea of l.e.d’s sounds great. one for each room and platform lights too. another project for the winter.
If you take Wisconsin’s logging railroads as an example, the major passenger carrying railroads in the Northern part of the state often had dozens of logging railroads branch off of them. Note the activity in just one county