Long Island RR Models

I would like to know if anyone knows where to get a DE30 401 diesel locomotive in Long Island Railroad paint scheme. I am tryping to make my first layout using the LIRR’s Port Jefferson line as the prototype, but I cant find any DE30 401’s or their “double-decker” commuter cars anywhere near me. ANy help would be greatly appreciated.

I sort of suspected the equipment in question was new. Thanks for clearing that up for me. I suppose I could have tried Metro north on the web to see if there were any pics.

Call Willis Hobbies in Mineola, NY.
They are one of the best hobby shops around.
Maybe they can help you.
I’m looking for a small LIRR diesel for a yard, and I remember they always seemed to have some nicely custom painted engines for the LIRR. I’m trying to get there but have been too busy.
At least they would probably carry a wide assortment of decals that might help you.

I’m not afraid to publcly display my ignorance,
WHAT is a DE30 401?! Maybe I should first ask WHEN
is a DE30 401? The only “D” class on th LIRR were the DD1’s. With respect to the “doubledeckers”, again, when are we talking about. The LIRR was one of the first commuter lines to have doubledeckers, but that was some time ago, and there have been several different types since then.If you’re talking recent, I can’t be much help.
( Copiague, when LIRR was Legion of Influential Rail Riders, and “Dashing Dan” was their logo).

No models of these new LIRR locomotives and cars exist and it is highly unlikely that any model manufacturer will produce them as they are strictly LIRR equipment and no other railroads in the US use anything remotely resembling them. The prototype locomotives were built partly by EMD, with a superstructure added by a firm in Schnectady, NY. The new double deckers are built by Kawasaki.