What was the longest ML (AUTO RACK) & TV(VAN) train on class 1 railroad?
Now where do you think you could obtain the info you requested from EVERY RR in the USA?[:o)]
I don’t know if any one was particularly the longest, they all tend to be pretty big due to the size of the cars. An auto rack train takes up a lot of room with a lot less cars than a conventional freight, and intermodal trains can be a couple of miles long from what i’ve seen. It seems that some of the higher priority trains are actually shorter than normal, sometimes they are a larger train that was split and sent to two destinations, and sometimes they just don’t seem to have too much traffic going on. I’m thinking of course of the long defunct “Super C”.
Since you mention ML trains (Conrail), the longest Conrail multilevel train I ever witnessed was a 174 car ML441 in 1996 or 1997. Also a combined TV10/TV10B detouring over the Michigan Line in December 1997- it was almost four miles long.