Hey folks.
I need some help finding some N scale construction Vehicles. Modern Day Vehicles to be exact such as, Excavators, Dump trucks, Front end loaders that type of equipment. any help would be greatlly appreciated.
Thank you!!!
Hey folks.
I need some help finding some N scale construction Vehicles. Modern Day Vehicles to be exact such as, Excavators, Dump trucks, Front end loaders that type of equipment. any help would be greatlly appreciated.
Thank you!!!
Try this search at Walthers. Several listed
Construction search at Plaza Japan yielded modern N Scale goodies!
Thanks alot. This is what i’m looking for. You know if they ship to the US??
Shipping information is at the bottom of each “But It Now” product page.
Back a few years ago when Mini Movers were the rage Norscot made some very nice Cat equipment that scaled out nicely in N. Also over the years Matchbox and others have made some passable near N scale equipment. Keep your eyes open in the toy departments of places like Wal Mart.
Luckily construction equipment scales up or down one scale size pretty easily. Construction equipment in S becomes mining equipment in HO, and so on.