Lost - and doomed to never be found

mikesmowers - you’re online - I read your post so I came up on the Model Railroader Forum and went down to the bottom to see who was online and there you was - but I weren’t - that’s because I know I’m online and it tells me so at the head of the page when it says “Welcome Back”

When this thing first came back yesterday and I started to explore it looked good - and then the glitches started to show up -

First glitch I encountered was with search - there’s a word “search” but try to find something with it - I couldn’t for the life of me even when I did a “test search” of a topic/post that was still on page one and couldn’t possibly be outside of the date default parameters - search came back and told me that it couldn’t find that particular topic name - oh, well; one of these days I will find my car keys - and that will probably be before I figure out how “search” works -

Glitch number one led to glitch number two - how do you get out of this mother when you’ve done something besides just browse - I can back up a dozen pages clear to my MSN Homepage when I am just browsing - when I’m “searching” - or trying to - and when I’m “replying” to a topic I can’t “back” off of that page - I can get to the top of that page but I sure can’t get to the previous page - my sole recourse is to either key myself to my Homepage and reenter trains.com or select my “recent” key and reenter the forum at that point - either way I am always back at page one in the forum -

And I just discovered that the “bracket” function doesn’t work - at least as far as altering print size - haven’t tried italics yet -

Anyone else observing these problem???