help! old age is setting in and the memory is going ! cant quite remember how to straighten the walls when they get tweaked , oven on cookie sheet ? hot water and lay flat picture? not quite clearm please some help for my old brain cells
help! old age is setting in and the memory is going ! cant quite remember how to straighten the walls when they get tweaked , oven on cookie sheet ? hot water and lay flat picture? not quite clearm please some help for my old brain cells
Steve - In most instances slightly warped resin walls, etc. can be straightened by placing them in a bath of hot water for about ten minutes. Remove them and place them on a flat surface, applying some pressure if necessary to straighten them further.
If badly warped, one can sometimes bring them reasonably into alignment by giving the part a hot water bath and then actually straightening the part out with your hands. This has worked for me even on large thick resin items, like the solid hull of a car float!
There are those willing to heat warped resin parts in an oven, but unless very, very careful, one may end up ruining, rather than straightening, the casting.
thx for the info it works well