Does anyone know if there are very many places where two different railroads cross each other? They built a train park near my town to accomodate all of the photographers that visit. The Burlington Northern and Union Pacific lines cross each other right at the park and there are always people there shooting video or still photos. We average a train every 12-18 minutes.
In North Transcona where i live, there is a diamond where both the CPR mainline and the CEMR Pine Falls Subdivision cross each other. It is called Pine Junction. The CPR/CEMR interchange track is to the northwest of the junction.
Diamonds are very common, especially in big cities and near terminals or around industries that are served by more than one railroad.
Sparky, you do watch YOUR crossing by clicking on the “Trains” logo above and clicking on “Web Cam”!
In Dalton, Ga there is a CSX/NS crossover that sees quiet a bit of action.
Hey Sparky, [#welcome] to the forums.