Found a good deal on MDC wheels with brass axles. I believe these will fit Roundhouse and Athearn BB cars. Are they good runners or stay away? Will they work with magnetic uncoupling? (Need to replace the steel weights too) They will be used on a small switching layout with no grade changes. Short trains, less than 10 cars.
Are these the ones with plastic wheels? In either case, you should be fine. You can double-check with a magnet, but I’m pretty sure they are non-magnetic.
brass is non magnetic, and the wheels are plastic , so they are okay runners, not exceptional be any means …
the wheels -may- be actualy 32 inch, but you won’t see that easily, and the mdc axles are just a wee bit shorter than the old athearn wheels, but again they will work okay …
Alright, thank you for the replies! I have ordered the MDC axles. The price was right. I will receive 48 MDC bronze axles + plastic wheels for slightly more than a 12-pack of Intermountain metal axles. They will be used on cars destined for industrial spurs with magnets. IMO, less free-rolling wheels on non-metallic axles are better for slow switching moves over magnets. Granted, the plastic wheels will accumulate crud faster than metal wheels and will reduce the number of cars that can be pulled up inclines.