Metra's first F59PH is now in service

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Metra’s first F59PH is now in service

Not mentioned is if the 710 primemover was rebuilt with the updated firing order.

Probably not. GO Transit beat the living hell out of these engines for 20 years. However the HEP was probably replaced. GO Transit runs off 575V compared to 480V. AMT probably beat it worse than GO Transit did. One thing they did do is move the bell. As originally delivered, the bell was front and centre above the windshield. Well, if you can keep beating the things up, why not.

With a face only a mother would love.

In recent years, Metra has been chronically short of locomotives and of cash, requiring them to go shopping for affordable used locomotives such as these three F59’s.
New passenger locomotives such as the EMD F-125 and the Siemens Charger go for around $6 million each, and Metra simply cannot afford to purchase any of them.

I remeber back when MMA was rebuilding them for use in Poland but it never worked out so most f40ph’s were scrapped mainly ex nj transit and Amtrak ones and then they rebuilt the remming f40’s and f59’s for lease.

Love NCS. How bout a crossover from CN to UPNW at Deval?