To start this weeks Midweek Madness (or Midweek Photo Fun) are some pictures of my newly almost completely finished Rail Power Products SD90MAC-H![:D]
Left side
Right side
Front view, showing my first attempt at coloring the window gaskets with a Sharpie. All the pilot details are made from scratch. The front LED can be seen through the headlights.
Rear view, showing more pilot details made from scratch.
The front truck. The sideframes started out as HTCR-Is, which I detailed to look just like the SD90MAC-H sideframes using brass chain, wire, and some brass and plastic sheet.[:D]
That looks awful. What a waste of forum space!! Looks like somebody turned a 3 year old loose with some red, gray, and yellow crayons.[:o)]
Seriously though, it looks great. I especially like the mods on the trucks. The decal work is nice as well. I always liked those things, although I model the late 50’s. I also have tried the Sharpie trick, and it seems to take some practice, although you seem to have it licked. I have a bunch of passenger equipment that needs the gaskets colored in and need to get off my duff and finish it. [:)]
trainfan1221, the pictures are actually a little light, instead of a little dark.
csmith9474, those Crayons actually work better than you’d think.[:D] The trucks actually turned out even better than I’d hoped.[:D] The painting and lettering on the shell was actually done by Intermountain, but thanks for giving me all the credit.[:-,][:)]
Ahh, I didn’t know Intermountain was doing the MACs. Of course the last thing I purchased from them was a Santa for Safety caboose (Santa Fe), so I ain’t exactly up on things. Maybe I will post pics of that later. I may not fit my era, but darnet it has Santa painted on the side of it!!
Ok, here’s mine, taken today (Wednesday). Passenger Extra entering a curve:
I took 8 pics, the other 5 were either overexposed, or blurry. These were the best of the 8 from today. I’m getting better at taking pics, it would be better if my “cave” had better lighting. I’ll get it eventually.
It’s a Proto Power West drive, which uses the Rail Power frame, heavily tuned Athearn trucks, and a PPW motor with flywheels. The PPW drives are very nice runners.[:D]
twcenterprises, nice passenger train![:D] I really should finish my Amtrak train someday…someday…
OK, here’s my second round, I think I’m getting better at taking pics, and oh, of course, the flourescent light helped quite a bit.
These five pics are checking fit and placement of yard tracks and engine house arrangement. The engine house is an ancient Revell kit.
A passenger train rounds a curve. Looks like the last 2 were taken at dawn or dusk. Maybe I should crop the images.
Some were taken with a flash, some not, I’m still learning and experimenting. The new light helps a lot, I still need 3 more in the room to help balance things out a bit.