Milwaukee´s Hiawatha Paint Schemes

Hi guys,

while searching information about the Hiawatha trains of Milwaukee road, i found several paint schemes for the passenger cars. Orange with maroon window stripe, orange with maroon window stripe and small maroon stripe below the roof, and the UP scheme. Which scheme was used in which era, and was it prototypically to mix cars with different paint schemes?


The UP scheme was probably a joint venture scheme with the Milwaukee Rd, In the 50’s UP had joint venture passenger trains with several different RR… Im not that familar with Mil Rd so I do not know the answer to your question Danny

That orange, maroon, maroon scheme was Milwaukee Road’s pre-1952 color passenger scheme. The 1947 Olympian Hiawatha briefly had a complex orange, maroon, maroon, maroon scheme when first inaugurated, but it quickly reverted to the orange, maroon, maroon.

In 1952, Milwaukee simplified the color scheme to the orange, maroon scheme first applied to the Superdomes which arrived on the property that year.

On October 30, 1955, the Milwaukee began operating Union Pacific trains between Omaha and Chicago under contract, and elected to change its entire passenger fleet over to Union Pacific colors.

There was a period of transition when colors were mixed, but by 1957, Milwaukee orange and maroon could be seen only on retired equipment or equipment relegated to non-passenger service. Union Pacific colors where everywhere, including on a couple of Boxcab Electrics which had been converted to passenger service with the retirement of the “Quills”. Public Relations Dept. advertising even featured a Little Joe Electric in Union Pacific colors, but that never actually happened.

Milkwaukee pasenger cars ran on the City of San Francisco from Chicago. They were painted in Union Pacific yellow and grey. I have pictures of two of these cars, thay were used were a baggage car and the 10-6 sleeper named Pacific Guard built by Budd.

Not only the city of san franciso but also the city of los angeles, city of portland and city of denver.


The pre-streamlined color scheme was Brown roof and underbody, orange side (the predominate color for all schemes until the 1955 UP yellow), 12"maroon letterboard, maroon window frames (originally varnished natural wood) and doors. Gold lettering. All collors (incl. letttering separated by 1/4 black stripe.

All following same as preceding except for noted changes

Original 1935 Hiawatha. Grey roof, maroon leterboard, maroon band on side below floor level, omit maroon window frames and doors.

1937 Hiawatha. As above except aluminum band above and below window panel.

1939 hiawatha. As above but omit maroon band along floor, change roof to silver (soon fading to lt grey) and 1/4" color separating from black to silver.

!942 Hiawatha. Skirting added to sides and painted maroon.

Original Olympian Hi.June '47. No skirting. Roof grey. 1/4" edging back to black. Instead of a solid maroon along window panel a maroon lozenge around passenger windows leaving rest room etc windows w/ orange background. 2" maroon stripe along bottom of window panels running up and over maroon lozenge and btween lozenge and letterboard and then down to along bottom of window panel to end of car. Last two cars (6-6 sleeper and 3 compt obs) were hvywts until late '49 when Skytop and “Lake” sleepers delivered. At this point hvwts had grey roofs and maroon letterboard and window panels

Remainder of post WWII fleet as hvywts above. Chippewa sometimes ran w/ coaches and exp/RPO in Olympian Hi scheme. By 1950s Oly Hi painted like rest of fleet.

1950 concurrently w/ .delivery of FP-7s roof changed to black

By delvery of Super Domes in 1952 maroon letterboard was dropped and lettering changed to maroon.

1955 W/ UP change from CNW to Milw from Omaha to Chicago cars for UP pool in UP colors soon spr