Very,very sad that two good historic locomotives have to be scrapped because of what seems like bungling by all the parties involved. I wish a lage perservation group could step in and save the engines.
TRAINS Preservation Award
NRHS Heritage Grant Program
Charity Search Engines
Grocery Stores Fundraisers
How about NJT?
Why is this such a shame? It’s the circle of life. Everything has a beginning and an end. We have all sorts of old engines we’re already preserving. What about these F7s is so exceptional to warrant resources in saving them?
Shame. Listen closely and hear the scream of GTW #5629, also killed by governmental malfeasance. Fools. There ain’t a tree tall enough and a rope short enough for this bunch.
My recollection of prior articles gives me the sense that Mr. Paradeau was, and probably still is, asking a lot more than scrap value for the two units. Thus all the blame being heaped on governing bodies may not be warranted. If Mr. Paradeau is willing to eat sunk costs to sell them for scrap, then he should also be listening to offers of similar dollars from buyers who would then cover the costs of moving them by an agreed upon deadline.
Aaaah! It is typical of America and how the majority of the American public views National Historic Heritage items. They don’t really care. I have worked with the National Historic Preservation Society since the seventies and it is very sad to have seen so many things destroyed over the years. Remeber once its GONE you cannot get it back.
I rode that train many years ago. Loved every moment of it. The dining car crews knew each patron by name, addressed all as known. Food was delicious, service top-notch - guess the NIMBY’s have won out some how some way. With the ability to move the space shuttle, huge 4-8-4’s and the alike via surface roadway’s, wonder my better attempts are not made to move the locomotives to connected track as originally planned. Not sure what he is asking for the units, but I knew of an operable (but “sick”) E6 that sold for about 45K.
F units are my favorites. Sad day in America when one is destroyed. Will never see the likes of them again
Nice picture to go along with the article.
To scrap these locomotives would be an autrocity. There are railroad clubs out there that would try to acqure them given a little more marketing and time. Our nonprofit that is restoring a railroad depot would be interested in one of the locomotives. Please forward information on how to learn more to me at
To scrap these locomotives would be an autrocity. There are railroad clubs out there that would try to acqure them given a little more marketing and time. Our nonprofit that is restoring a railroad depot would be interested in one of the locomotives. Please forward information on how to learn more to me at
To scrap these locomotives would be an autrocity. There are railroad clubs out there that would try to acqure them given a little more marketing and time. Our nonprofit that is restoring a railroad depot would be interested in one of the locomotives. Please forward information on how to learn more to me at
You know, I would have thought that if I hired a trucking company to move a piece of equipment for me, and the trailer broke down along the way, it would be the trucking company’s responsibility to get my load to its destination, or at least back to its point of origin. The trailer broke? Okay, so get a crane out there, hoist the load onto another trailer, and deliver it. Don’t they have insurance for this sort of thing? Aren’t they REQUIRED to have insurance for this sort of thing? What if the trailer hand broken in the middle of an intersection? Would it still be sitting there? Imagine if the trailer had broken as it was rolling down the highway at 55 mph.
The city officials are certainly right to be peeved about the locomotive and trailer sitting there on city property, but they should be going after the trucking company for abandoning it there. It’s should be their responsibilty to move it, since they used a trailer that was defective, or was under capacity to begin with.
I sure hope they didn’t send Mr. Paradeau a bill for this fiasco.