Anyone integrate slot cars with O gauge trains? I have several sets of the cheap slot cars that look to me to be close to O gauge. Its hard to describe them, accept around christmas these sets are easy to find between $10.00 and $30.00. Wish I could post some pictures. I think if a person was adventurous enough they could make a custom working crossing for the train track and slot car track.
I have been wanting to do that very thing. However, when I have asked about 1:48 slot cars at the hobby store, I get a blank stare.
Lionel made a set that came with a crossing track, but the only one I have seen on e-bay went for far more than I was willing to pay.
I think I would be willing to settle for 1:32 size cars, but these, too, seem to be rare. What is the scale of the cars you mentioned?
John Kerklo
TCA 94-38455
The thought has crossed my mind a number of times and I’m sure I eventually will do it. It’s funny how the only thing that moves on most train layouts is the train, and the occasional operating accessory… The cars and the people stand frozen in time.
I know at least one classic Lionel PW layout had a highway with cars moving in and out of a city, so there is a precedent. I’d sure love to know how they reversed the cars.
As I composed my first reply, this website came up in the Google ads:
There are 1:32 slot cars listed there, but nothing in 1:48. I will have to get some 1:32 model cars and see how they look next to the trains.
John Kerklo
TCA 94-38455
It is your railroad and you pay the bills for it.
If you think it is a good idea and will enjoy it, then do it and share it with us all. Presonnel I think it is an outstanding concept.
carrera imports a line of 1/48th slot car. They are under the go line, cars retail for under 20.00 but are modern. I purchased the 007 set for my 4 year old son for christmas[:D][:D][:D].we are having fun
My slot car sets are in the storage 12 miles away. Not sure how big they are but they look very close to 1:48. I’m picky and I have seen the 1:32 cars and I myself think they would look too big. A good way to check if there are no numbers on the bottom of the car is to measure its length. Each 1/4" is a foot, so if you found a model of a 79 Mustang which is 179" long, that should be just a hair under 3-3/4" long.
If you want to have moving vehicles on your layout check out They have remote control constuction type vehicles with no need to stay on the track or in the slot.
This topic really interests me for the future (3-5 years) during a rebuild. We had visitors this weekend and the first thing one of the little guy’s (3 1/2) said even before I could turn the transformers on “can we race the trains?” I’d really like to see pics of how builders have used this option. I can also see how this might take up a lot of room on the benchwork. The kid in me would like to see the cars cut in front of a steamer but I’d sure feel bad if a car hit an expensive engine and plopped it onto the floor. Wouldn’t it be fun just to put a “I don’t care about this train” on the track and battle against the cars, oh man, I love the visual of this description.
Another scene that could be done: have a double door box car with doors open in a train with only box cars or tall cars like hoppers. Use a directional light detector next to the track with one or two relays and you could make a slot car jump through the open double doors via a ramp and pre-set voltage for the slot cars track. Kind of like Dukes of Hazard.
Do you all remember I think it was Tyco that used to sell the HO train/ slot car set combo. Haven’t seen one since I was a kid, but alway wanted one of those.
Boyd The Dukes of Hazzard idea is great, but you got to have a Daisy Duke figure with those Daisy Dukes shorts.
Wooooooooo Hoooooooooo
HO slot cars are a thing of the past. 1/32 slot cars are now avalable from SCX, Scaletric, Carrera and others. Most of these companie have digital sets so you can run 2-3 cars per track -just like DCC. 1/24 is the next scale up but to big - better for G scale. Try they nothing but slot cars or check out any of the aboved named companies web sites…
I just started building my layout and have given this some thouhgt but I’m not really sure how good it would really look does anyone have pics using slot cars
Hotwheels sorta disagrees. This past Christmas, Wally World sold HO-sized, battery-powered sets under their label. The tracks are orange. Power pick-up for the cars uses steel wool :-/ The sets run like crap–either the cars sit still or they fly off the track. (My ex bought my son a set, and I’m cursed with trying to make it work :-/ )
The concept is good but instead of trying to go with a grade crossing why not just use this idea to set up a fully motorized town. Instead of all the cars and trucks sitting stationary you could theoretically have some vehicles moving thru town as well as some being stationary. Overpasses and or underpasses would be way cool.
A lot of things seem past. Then they become collectables. Lionel Trains made out of metal. Baseball cards. Star Wars toys. Pedal cars.
I wish I had all of them like I did when I was a kid. So many things are returning, and I still see small scale slot cars. I also just had a neighbor throw away an old tyco racing set, and it works great. Yes I dumpster dove, but it was it great shape and the price was right. Even added two cars from the local race car hobby shop.
Be careful what you say is past, it may come back like disco music.
Well I guess everything is " a thing of the past" no harm in your HO slots, check out the
new 1/32 the run well are big for O but are cool. Found this site from a hobby shop in RI.
Guy runs slots with 1/32 with O.
seacoast–that is an unbelievable web site, thank you so much. I would love to do something like that, we simply need a bigger house.
I have echo Jon’s comment. [wow][wow] I can’t imagine the wiring for 500 ceramic buildings, it just flat boggles the mind !!! [:O][tup]
Seacoast that is awesome. You ought to start a topic post so that everyone can check it out. It looks so incredible. I think I want that. All I have to do is sell my house, my cars, my kids, the dog, and work for the next 500 years and then I could build it.
Way cool,