Model Railroader articles about operation (way freights specifically)

I am just starting the final project part of my Computing degree. The project will be based on designing a tablet front end based freight car routing system for multi-users. As part of the first assignment, I have to outline the project in some depth before undertaking the full design stages.

I have been a reader of MR for many years (back to the 60s) but not in a way that would keep a memory of any articles that could be of use to me.

Can anyone out there remind me of articles regarding way freight operation, car forwarding or way bill usage? I can then go back into the archives - read the articles and (most importantly) reference them. (BTW, it seems that referencing articles is one of the most important things I can do because it proves that I have done research!).

Thanks in advance


P.S. The course does not involve writing any software - the final assessment is a 10,000 word report - so no working product is going to come of this - it is merely a technical, academic exercise.

I did a book search on Amazon using the keywords “railroad operation” and turned up interesting things. I would recommend you do the same and see what turns up.


The very end of these clinic notes (scroll all the way down) from Richard Schumacher include an extensive bibliography.

Thank you. I had actually found that page. I have to say that the course is expensive enough without buying lots of books :slight_smile: That’s why I was after MR articles.

I will follow links with interest.


Thanks but Amazon searches are the first thing any budding student does. It was specifically Model Railroad articles I was interested in.


It looked like some of those were produced by the very same people who bring us Model Railroader. I thought perhaps you would find it convenient. That’s one reason I suggested having a look.

Since you are specifically interested in “operation”, I did a search here:

using that word and limiting the search to the magazine you requested.

As you can see, there are 456 returns–plenty to examine and learn from.



Hmm Your pic looks like a little kid but you’e been a currency trader and reading MR since the 60’s. Congrats on getting a degree at your age.

MRVP the video subscription has a couple videos on way bills and the Beer Line. You could join for a month and see those. Or you could stay for a while. I quite like it.

go to the "model railroad Crowd-sourced magazine index " and search through there if you find any articals you want between the years 1934 and 2005 PM me you email address and year and page # will scan it and mail it to you.