Modeler's spotlight video -- Inside Cody's office episode index

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Modeler’s spotlight video – Inside Cody’s office episode index

Cody, Absolutely great - all the episodes! I am sure that you hear it often, but thanks for all you and the folks at MR do to help the rest of us make our layouts happen. Very Respectfully, Matt Reddell, Amtrak Mechanical, Hialeah, Florida.

Thanks, When you going to take the show on the road? or just out it on DVD?

GS&M Gila Springs & Mesquite RR

New to model railroading and was wondering
Have you done a modelling tip on weathering or painting rails

Hi Cody. Hey, loved the tip on cleaning acrylics with window cleaner.
Have you ever done anything on removing decals, or modifying the numbers so you don’t have 2 or 3 cars/engines with the same road numbers??

Thanks again.
John Tooley, from Jeffersonton VA


I enjoy looking forward to all of your weekly productions. They’re
full of valuable information. I have a tongue in cheek comment regarding the March 19, 2009 episode during which you referred
to “double sided tape.” I thought all tape had two sides. Of course,
you merely omitted the word “sticky.” This is just a “feel good” poke at a truly great series for us modelers! Keep up the fine work, Cody!!!

Wow, Cody you sure have come a LLLOOONNNNGGGG WAY since the first episode! It is sometimes more difficult to notice for me since I have been faithfully watching Cody’s Office from day one, week after week. But going back to the first episode I can see the difference… very cool to go back and check it out again.

Excellent work guys, please keep it up David and Cody!

It has been interesting to watch the may different scenes unfold. Some of them at times need more front lighting. Best way to not have a shadow from a light not on the center of the picture is to use two, one on each side of the camera. At other times I have been distracted momentarily by an action outside of Cody’s office window.

When do you plan to make available a DVD, or the like, of all the Tips?

Here is a possible subject for consideration. What has been the history of Locomotive Kits and what might the future hold for them.

Did you plan the gleam off of the ring in the July 18, 2009 video?

Very Respectfully, Ted Martin, Colorado

Dear Cody, Thanks for the episode index. Now I can go back and get caught up on the ones I missed, and watch all the other ones again. I still think that you and your crew should do a model railroad TV show. I’m sure it would be a hit. Keep up the good work and “RUN THEM TRAINS”. —JIM—

Very informative! Should be in a series. I would be your 1st customer!

Cody, great episodes and very informative. Will there ever be a camel back locomotive in n scale? I had one in HO and would love one for my layout. Thanks. John

Okay Cody…Where is your version of ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ - that one was a classic!!

Hi Cody, I am now a proud owner of the Walthers 130’ modern turntable and I wonder if you can offer any additional instalation and electrical tips before I start this prodject. I thank you for any help you can offer.
Jim Webster

HI cody my name is Dawson I’am 9 yrs old.Me and my dad are starting our lay out. can you show me were i might find a saw mill.
cody i like your show it is cool.

Im trying to icorperate the Faller car system and can’t find it do you knew where the nearist hobby shop that has it is in Magnlia?

Hi cody I was wondering if you could show me how to make the tracks look like they are imbedded in the ground.
Thank-You Dawson.

Cody, I want to do a layout in n scale using Atlas True-Track, but I think the roadbed is too light in color. Do you have any tips on weathering the roadbed to a darker color? I look forward to each new episode. Thanks John.

cody this show is so helpful keep up the good work


What have you found that works well to remove the lettering on AHM and Rivarossi HO passenger cars without removing the underlying paint ? Maybe you can discuss this in your modelers tips section.