Moving loco pictures

I’ve noticd a lot of you have moving pictures of trains. Where’d you get them? If you made them, can anybody use them? May I?

Are you talking about action shots or movies? You can do a Google Image Search to start. Is there a railroad you are intrested in?

cool i tries the site with pdf but they didn’t seem to work on mine

You need Adobe Reader to read .pdf files. You can get the basic version free.

A quick google on Train Gifs produced these links. There are tons of sites on the web.



i want one that moves like Budliner has but Pennsy RR

hey if you can get me some photos and demensions of the ones you want i can make them. I hadent made any for a long while but this past week end i just did not feel like programing and made some train gifs instead. any one is welcom to the ones i have on my site. you can email me at

How do you get them to move
matt CSX would be nice[:D]

The tag i use to get them to move is the html marquee tag. the basic tag is with the immages fallowing fallowed by a tag. you can also use a number of atributes on it like below.

scrolldelay, if i rember right is how long it waits from one move to another. i beleive this is in micro seconds… not really positive though.

scrollamount is the number of pixels it moves the what ever is between te marquee tags each time. this is good to keep set at 1 so things will look smooth. i dont rember what true speed is, but its an atribute i used back in the day so i leave it in there.

there is also a tag to change the direction. i dont rember what it is, but it should be easy to find on google.

hope that helps a bit. what kinda CSX things would you want? I need specifics. otherwise i’ll play around with a few differnt things and end up makeing more SP engines (not always a bad thing) but what i set out to do is not done at the end of the day… yeah…

I would like to see some CSX engines. SD-70mac or 9w-44C not too fussy .

I have a couple of things queued up currently. some SD9s and SW1s… but I’m willing to do soem CSX. check out this site first: if you dont find what you want there then let me know and i’ll do it. Not everything on frograil is great jsut because they have lots of diffent people doing them, but theres lots of very nice stuff.