Was looking at MRC’s ad on page 52 of the new Dec issue of MR for their “new Tech 4” power packs wherein they state they detect any sudden change in load and instantly adjusts the throttle setting, that the voltage increased to compensate for a 3% grade increase to sustain a smooth, realistic, transition up the grade. My 5x9 layout (not DCC) is based on Wescott’s “HO Railroad That Grows” track plan that has an overhead reverse loop. My older “Tech II” dual control pack needs constant throttle adjusting due to the grade increases/decreases.
Has anyone with grade variations on their layout experienced good results with a new “Tech 4” power pack?
It is a analog throttle. You still need to manually increase the knob to feed the choo choo working uphill.
When you reach your TE limit (Too many cars pulled by the Choo choo) you need more engines or fewer cars or a less steep grade.
True DCC systems with certain decoders onboard engines will take care of the “Cruise control” you talk about there for you.
I dont know about great results with the Tech 4. But Mine is a basic tech 4 and sits in the box waiting for the day I have a new analog engine to try out… which really isnt going to happen any time soon.
POWER PAKS are rated by Volt Amperes, or 'VA’s ie: how much ‘work’ they can do.
1.5 amps is enough for ‘Top of the line’ and Can motors. Will it put out that much power @ 12 volts (18 VA) is the question?
BUT IF You are going to be running old Athearn BB. engines, it probably won’t handle more than an AB combination or 2 engines without getting hot. Some of these require 1.5 amps just to start.
Didn’t some of the Tech II’s put out 2.5 amps?
Model RR power packs are un-regulated - When the load increases the voltage goes down - so turning the voltage knob up is a normal offset .
MRC emailed me and told me the Tech 4 220 is about 1.66 amps max. Hardly enough to feed some of my consists. It does a good job with a 6 foot loop and two engines max.
I have three Tech IIs. If they ever die, I will tell you what I think of the Tech IVs. Unless I can find more Tech IIs.
If you turn the throttles by the little knobs on the top you will not wear the numbers off.[:D] Actually I use my index finger on top of that little knob. I know if you have used it enough to wear the numbers off, you don’t need the numbers anyway.
I have a Tech4 280 that I’m very happy with. It automatically keeps the locos speed in check and doesn’t let it run away going down a light grade. I don’t have to tend the throttle very much at all.
MRC’s are excellent packs. The Tech 4’s do use upgraded electronics from the Tech 2’s. THe fancier ones do have some momentum & braking effects. IMHO the case could have been made smaller. Also missing from the lineup is a unit with meters. You may be able to pull more locos if they are newer units that seem to use fewer amps than older ones. They also can be quicker at cutting off should you have a short or derailment.