MRC Tech 6 sound controller 6.0 its the 6amp hand held setup..any good or junk?

Hi guys id been gone for awhile was in scale Ogage ,but coming back to HO…Bough a used MRC tech 6 sound controller 6.0…will this run fine on a BLI ho? or is it to much for it??..How is this controller good or junk?

The tech 6 will run any locomotive with dcc and sound. It works great.

And it will run DC/Sound locomotives as well and while in the DC mode you can adjust momentum,start volt and top volt plus braking.

In the DCC mode it will consist locomotives but,you can only run one train at a time unless you buy the Tech 6 handheld throttle then you can run up to 6 different trains.

I own a T-6 and throttle and its a fine basic DCC system that handles all DCC CVs. The T-6 and throttle cost me around $130.00 new.

I love it.

BTW…The only the only thing junk about it is found in your topic title.[:-,]

thats what i have the 6.0 6amps hand held setup…Im kind of worried 6amps might burn up a DCC decoder on a HO train?Seen 1 youtube on it…guy saying he ran a 3amp inline fuse to protect any over load to the decoder…

I’ve used the Tech 6 for years and had no problems.


Unfortunately what I discovered about the T6 is it will NOT run 2 B.L.I. steam locos (using handheld) simultaneously in dcc mode. It will run one B.L.I. and Proto loco. I called M.R.C. about this issue and was told power is inadequate and there is no solution. So just forget about running 6 locos AT THE SAME TIME ,as they state is possible with the handheld. It will however run a dcc loco much smoother then a standard d.c. power pack so I’m still happy I bought them. I have 3!

I haven’t tried but,would that include 6 Atlas or 6 Kato engines without sound?

How about the setting start volt of the consisted locomotives?

Again,I dunno because I haven’t done that type of testing.

I did consist my two Atlas GP38-2s and set the start volt and momentum CVs and was pleased with the results.

MRC’s web site lists a Tech 6 with 2 amps. But there used to be one with 6 amps available - no longer listed on the MRC web site. The reference on the 2 amp page returns page not found. But they are still available at modeltrainstuff


I have consisted two powered engines with sound with my Tech 6 and they will run for hours if needed. No problems.

Ahhh,Good to know. Maybe I should play around with mine to see what it can do…The reason I haven’t is because I never gave it a thought a one horse 14’ ISL.

I consisted those two Atlas GP38-2s since somebody mention it could be done-was that you David?

Thinking about it I just had two engines that ran at the same speed and then I just turned around the rear engine to run backwards using cv29 and cv7 to make it run backwards.

it was never consisted. Sorry for the mistake.

Can you consist engines with the tech 6? Also can you give each engine a 2 or 4 digit number instead of always just using 3?

On those GP38-2s I use address 2 for both engines and set the same speed step, momentum and start volt.I also reverse one engine.

Since I only use one engine at a time on my ISL I don’t use any addresses of course should I wish to use 2 engines then I would need to use my throttle and would use address 1 and 2-easy peasy for me to remember. .

The thought has cross my mind to redo my ISL and add facing point switches so,I can use a second engine to switch the facing point industries-like Progressive Rail’s operation at Air Lake Industrial Park.

Thanks for the tip. I ordered it and it works great. NOW I can run my B.L.I.'s simultaneously!

I have both…the tech 6 with 6 amps and now the 2 amps that im running the hand held threw it…my new BLI PRR porthole duplex…wait on getting tracks…for now its my desk top model…that i play with…run back and forth and play with the sounds…

Ha ,I do that to. I like having a loco at my desk and switch em out every week or so.

I did a video on it…going threw the sounds with it…rest can checkout my other trains video…ogauges that I have a done smoke units mods,