MTH smoke unit

My MTH 2-8-0 Pennsylvania locomotive smoke unit is not working, no power to fan is the problem. Anyone know where to start looking to fix it? Thanks Murf


Check under the tender to see where the smoke volume adjustment screw is set. If so equipped.

Have you tried doing a “reset” to factory de-fault settings ?

You can also check the on/off switch, try turning it on/off several times to possibly clean the contacts.

Hope this helps.

Doug is right. If that does not work, try running the unit and moving the connections to the printed circuit board. Found one that arced and made bad connections. When moving the connecter below, small arc showed and then unit would work. Release it and it stopped. A touch of the hot soldering iron on that spot cured mine. Just a thought.


I had the same problem with my MTH 2-8-0 P&LE (2004 Ready-To-Run). The LHS found that the cable from the tender to the engine was faulty (broken conductor(s) I guess). They replaced the cable and all has been fine since.

Good luck,


P.S. The switch is in the “Make Smoke” position, right?

The smoke works but the fan does not. How do you “Default” the settings?

What voltage does the fan run at? Ac or DC? Track voltage, or is it limited? Just need to know what to lookmfor with my meter. Thanks Murf

If there is smoke but no fan, then there is power to the board. If your board is the same circuit as mine, then the AC goes thru a bridge rectifier, then thru a small 5 volt regulator, and into the motor. Could be a bad regulator, bad motor, bad connection. Does the motor spin freely? Across the motor inputs you should have 5 volts DC when running.


Reduced voltage. Amount???