multiple trains

how can you run multiple N-scale train, and what are some good transformers that can do that.

Buy multiple transformers and divide your layout into electrically isolated blocks, or buy one DCC system.

As has been pointed out in your other posts, Lionel and other transformers produce AC used to run 3 rail O, American Flyer, and Marklin trains. DC motors with permanent magnets will burn up on AC. AC powered trains use an “E-unit” to reverse the trains. The E-unit swaps the polarity of the field windings or the armature, but not both at the same time to reverse direction.

A power pack is used to run all DC trains. A power pack contains a transformer to reduce the voltage from the electrical outlet to something less deadly. A rectifier is used to change the AC to DC. A power pack contains the transformer, rectifier, and throttle. The throttle varies the voltage to the track, which varies the speed of the motor and locomotive.

A DC motor is reversed by switching the polarity of the power to the track rails.

Regardless of AC or DC, unless the transformer or power pack has multiple throttles, all locomotives controlled by the power pack go in the same direction, and have the speed that the voltage output gives them. There can be no independent control without independent throttles.

MRC makes some dual throttle power packs. Or, as Dave suggested, use multiple power packs - one for each train running simultaneously. A system called “block control” divides your track into electrical sections. Each section has an electrical switch to change which power pack is supplying power to the particular section of track. The concept is that you control train #1 with power pack “A” where ever it goes on the layout by assigning track sections to power pack A as needed. Train #2 is assigned to power pack B. You never want Train 1 and Train 2 in the same electrical section at the same time because you lose independent contr