I received my blue line bigboy yesterday , the detail is good , it runs great and pulling is so powerful , i dont mind the traction tires equipped , the weight is not that heavy as what i had expected , especially the front driver truck is much lighter than the rear truck, most of the weight is at the back .
i fixed up some small problems myself like—
although the recommended min radius is 18 , it doesnt do a job on my 18 track curves , so easy to derail , the last driver set of the first truck , —the spring of one side not sprung hard enough so it easily derails when it goes back on 18 curves , so i pulled it off and put sth in the spring hole , now it gets better , the copper plate of the leading truck should be bent , but it was straight so i fixed it up also .
i am gonna buy some 22 curve tracks for my simple loop layout so that it works much better , i wouldnt recommend 18 , too hard for such a long engine .\
Overall it is an awesome engine
by the way , i forgot about one thing , the 8 pin plug , i cant push it in completely but just a slight snap , luckily it still works .
i am running my bigboy on DC ,i dont have a sound controller, the sound comes on when it goes straight, but when it goes back , the sound can only last for seconds and no more … so funny !!!