My First Live Steamer.... Which One???

Hello All,

I have recently dove back into the world of G-scale and Garden Railroading. Naturally, I am looking to go into Live Steam, but I am having difficulties deciding on which to buy. I am considering a Roundhouse Millie, Roundhouse Bertie, Accucraft Ruby, or and Accucraft Forney, soon to be released.

All engines seem like fine choices. Right now I am leaning more toward a Roundhouse Bertie, but I wanted to get the opinions of other people on these engines.



I have read the review of Regner’s “Konrad” 0-4-0T. Has anyone had any personal experience with Renger locomotives?


I’ve not run a Regner personally, but the ones I’ve seen and heard about all seem to run very nicely. That’s certainly a good option. As for your other choices, I’d lean more towards the Roundhouse offerings than the Ruby (or its Forney variant) simply because of Roundhouse’s long reputation straight out of the box. Rubys tend to run okay, but they all need some level of “tweaking” to get maximum performance. You don’t have that issue with Roundhouse. I’ve got two Rubys and two Roundhouse locos, so I love 'em both.




I had my eye on a Roundhouse Millie, especially with an added closed cab and capped stack. I appricate your taking the time to assist me in my decision.

Does anyone else have anything to add.
