My first resin kit

I have been told that ACC is the only glue to use in assembling a resin kit. I am not a “fan” of super glues but I am willing to learn. I find that some castings need a shim between them to bring the pieces in the correct place for attachment. I normally use sheet styrene for this purpose. Do I still use ACC to attach the shim to the first piece, then more ACC to attach the second piece to the shim? Do I use something other than styrene? I need about a .010" thick shim.

Yes, use ACC to attach styrene to the casting. I have not tried anything else but styrene for this purpose. I also recommend using a “slow setting” ACC to give you more time to position your parts into a desired location.

Hi Bruce: I have done quite a few resin kits and my advise is to use only fresh ACC and store in the fridge between use but before you glue anything wash the parts in warmwater and detergent to remove the mold release. Let it soak for hours and if you can get it buy a bottle of mold release remover to wash the parts in.

Dave in Hogtown

I’ve used epoxy glue when building resin kits. For me it’s the way to go with bigger pieces. I usually fill in the gaps with epoxy putty which after it’s set completely is sanded to a smooth finish. For me this works the best. Of course for small part superglue is the only thing to work with since it doesn’t leave any noticeable marks.


I used a 2-part epoxy on the only resin kit I’ve built so far - Scale Structures Ltd Victoria Falls Hotel. I can’t remember the brand but it comes in a dual-tube hypodermic-type applicator. I was happy with the results. I did attach some plastic detail to the resin - think I used CA but I’m not certain. Everything has stayed in place after about 2 years.