My GP30


Here are some pics of my GP30



Congrats. Now post it in weekend photo fun as well.[:D]

I will …if I can find it…

Did you custom paint that? It looks GREAT!

Yes I did paint it …I stripped it with cameleon paint stripper then used an airbrush.

The lettering is done with individual letters.

It is the first loco I have done with a two color paint scheme.

The only details I added were the all weather window on the engineers side, sunshade on the firemans side, and Sinclair antenna on the cab roof.

The loco is a Proto 2000 model, the paint I used is Polly Scale Reading green and Loco black.

Decals are Reading diamonds that I painted out and relettered, also the end platforms are from a Reading end striping set.

The black on the roof looked a little faded until I shot it with Dull-coat then it came out fine.

I have 2 more GP30`s that are painted the same and are in the process of being decaled.

I also have 3 SD45s that just might get the same paint scheme as the GP30s.

And an E8 also…