My long and rambling intro..

Hey guys, great forum. Been lurking awhile, thought I would say hi. About 20 years ago, When I was 12, I found my dad and uncle’s old Lionel at my grandmother’s house. I tried to get it to run, but it would only run backwards. I went to the library, and they had one or two Lionel “collectibles” books, couldn’t find an exact match. Took the locomotive with me to Dallas one weekend during a vacation, & went to a local hobby shop. They quoted me 75 bucks to get it fixed. That was a ton of money to me back then. Needless to say, I brought it back home unrepaired. Then out of the blue, one of my uncles wanted the train, and asked for it, so I had to give it up.

Throughout the years I have bought model RR magazines, books, a few HO box car kits, but never commited to the hobby. I’m still not sure how “deep” I want to get into it, but I would like a train that resembled the one my father did have when he was young. I recall it having a maroonish boxcar with a man that waved when the door opened (?), a red caboose, and the tender having Pennsylvania on it. The locomotive had the metal chrome wires on the side, it could smoke with pellets, and there might have been a whistle button on the transformer. And yeah, I assume my uncle still has the train set, but its not even worth trying to get, trust me. ( I talked to my father last night…he says they got the train set in 1947 or 1948.)

We had one local store back in the 60s, 70s & early 80s that had a train display at Christmas. Wow, what magic to see those trains. In my neck of the woods (NE Louisiana), there isn’t too much of that christmas magic around anymore, to me.

I think I have talked my wife into the idea of a train around the christmas tree this year, so there is my “in” so to speak. I have about 9’ x 4’ of floor area to play with. I went to our new local hobby shop, and checked out their limited train supply. They had one Lionel set, so I picked up a few of the Lionel catalogs and have been poring over them every day for two

Jamie : let me be first to say [#welcome] to the forum !! Come on over to the coffee pot if you have time !! There you may meet guys near you & make some great friends, maybe find some others to meet at a hobby shop or train show, whatever !! Don’t forget Sunday Photo Fun too !! Taking pictures & putting them on the forum just enhances your toy train fun !

Prototype simply means the real one . I think it could mean the first one used to make a production run with also.

Lots of guys here have started on the floor . I know my boy & I did. Track around the tree at Christmas is another great way to get started .

If you should later on want to get a train like the one you mentioned that you had to give back, see if you can get the number that is on the engine. Sounds like what they refer to as postwar. Below you may be able to look it up at the postwar site & then keep your eyes peeled for one for sale somewhere. Here is that site & though it isn’t perfectly accurate it really is a good site . Oh, & there are lots of sites for repair parts & things like that, should you need them. Just let us know !!

Hope this helps a little & please ask lots of questions if you like & have fun !!

Thanks, John

[#welcome] [#ditto]to John’s reply.

Looks like Im going to be the third, but just as sincere!!! Welcome!! [#welcome]

Don’t be a stranger ask questions, and just share opinions, thoughts, and ideas. I too started on the floor. There are lots of choices. Share some objectives, and even constraints and you will get plenty of suggestions.

The “Coffee Pot” is a fun place too, come on in!

Welcome to the Forum which in my opinion is the best one to start with if you have just got started with a set. The other forums are also good but tend to be more focussed on the experienced and often brand prejudiced user. I got going with the help of the chaps here. Hope I can be of help to you. - Mike

Fi9rst off welcome come and join the coffee shop we don’t bite. might yell at each other but thats all in fun.

I would recommend going to a site like

or and see if they have the train set you want a lot of times they do and a lot cheaper than your LHS including shipping. charles RO has a real low shipping fee and normally has a real good price on train sets.

After you get your first set its usually no turning back then.

again Welcome and enjoy

I too echo the above sentiments. Welcome!

You’ll find a great deal of people educated in the hobby here, always willing to help.

I have been eyeing the UP Fast Freight set for some time, and it looks like a sound investment. My $$'s have been going the Lionel Disney route of late, as I have 2 young children. So that set will have to wait. I have been involved in the hobby for about a year and a half, and have met (online) a number of great people here. Mainly I prefer the PW (post war) trains, as I enjoy repairing most that have seen better days, and returning them to their past glory.

Good luck on your purchase(s), more will follow the first, and please post photos of whatever train you decide on.


[#welcome] I have nothing more to add, but don’t be a stranger and we LOVE pictures!

Welcome the addiction!
Its only my 2nd year back after a short
35 year layoff!!

Hi, Jamie!

From the infomation you gave in your post, it sounds to me that you dad’s old locomotive might have been a 671 turbine. These classics were first made in the mid to late 40’s and came with a whistle tender. Some of these tenders were lettered for the Penn Railroad. These locos also had smoke units. Check it out on the site that John suggested.

If this is, in fact the one, they are easy to find. Hobby shops that sell postwar trains (toy trains made between 1945 and 1969), train shows, and of course, the “bay” are good places to look. For a 671, with a 12-wheel Penn. Tender, in very good to excellent cond. expect to pay between $200 to $300.

These are great classics, and are well worth the money. If maintained, they will run forever!

Good luck!


Jamie, welcome to the board, and welcome back to a hobby for children of any age. I have a few, choice, descriptive terms for your uncle, but being that this is a family board I’ll refrain from posting them.

John has posted the link to the Lionel Post War Library - that’s probably the best place to start to research which engine you had. Let us know what you can remember about the engine (i.e., any numbers on it, number of wheels, etc.) and we might be able to help you narrow your search.

If you’re looking to start with something around the Christmas Tree, I’d suggest using FasTrack (which you’l probably get with a ready-ro-run set from Lionel) the first time around as it doesn’t need to be fastened down in order to stay together, and it’s easy to lay down and pick up. Later, when you go for a more permanent setup, you can look at all of the options for track. Because I don’t have the room for a permanent setup, I have a fixed 7.5’ X 8’ layout that goes around the tree and stays up for 3 months surrounding the holidays. Here’s a picture of it:

I also have a set of FasTrack that I use in the living room for my two little guys Tyler and Corey (4.5 & 2), which I break down and store under the couch when I have to relinquish the living room back to my boss. (Ya know, I need a picture of that layout to post…) Unlike the old tubular track it sets up and breaks down fairly quickly.

You also might want to look into some of hte Cristmas Trains the Lionel sells every year. I’ve built up a pretty good collection of those for my Christmas Layout.

Welcome Jamie! Like a lot of the guys, my dad and I had a train when I was a little kid, then I had an HO train when I was little older (Santa Fe freight set from Tyco?) and then about 30 years shot by me and here I am getting back into the trains with my kids! Hope we’re all playing nice together for years to come and staying in touch here on CTT. Jump into the 'Pot. Sometimes it seems like it goes too fast to keep up, but just forget about it. Jump in and say hi and if anything important is going on, someone will catch you up!

Hey have some fun?


Thanks for the warm welcome, guys. You know, after looking at the site, the old one of dads could be the turbine 671. It does look familiar. I told my father to ask his brother to get the number off the side. I will let ya’ll know. Its supposedly running correctly now. My floor is all ceramic tile, so it should be easy to lay down the fast trac I would think around the Christmas tree. I’ll keep everyone posted on what direction I go, and I will take plenty of pics. Thanks again!