My review of the HO Protoloads Boeing 737 fuselage load and flatcars.

Yes, you have read the title right. I have purchased two sets of these loads and accompanying flat cars. A set is the load, the 89’ flat car and a 60’ idler flat car. I will give you my thoughts on these impressive models.

Protoloads is a web site that specializes in unique loads and other model railroad related items. I don’t have any financial or personal stake in them. David Ward, the owner, does some fantastic work.

Here is the website:

Ok here is a pic of the load on the flat car with the idler flat car.

Here is a pic of the back with idler coupled to it.

I liked the looks of these, but I was curious on how they would run. They ran just fine. All couplers were mounted at correct height and wheels were in gauge. One InterMountain GEVO pulled this train just fine on level track.

Going around curves was a main concern. Currently I have 26" radius curves and there was some overhang.

Judging from the picture the overhang is not too drastic.

Some people may find the price drastic. I don’t really think so. The load is coated with the same material that Boeing uses. I imagine that stuff is expensive just like any aircraft part. However, the color is perfect on the model. There are many graphic areas on the model that are detailed as well soe a lot of labor went into this. The flat cars are already detailed and weathered and I appreciate that.

In conclusion, I found these models to be done quite well and have nothing, but

I see those rolling through Denver occasionally and the plane looks pretty realistic! For som reason though I feel like the tall end pieces on the car are often reddish-brown. But I have a poor memory so could be wrong.