My son's Area 51/Army layout

Very nice work. Why not also just try running in a darked room and give him a flashlight? My kids love to follow the train lights…

My wife wants me to repaint our bedroom. I’m going to do it in camo like your sons!!!


Oh man, that one cracks me up. [(-D][(-D][(-D]

I like the black light idea…I’m also going to look at the green lights-perhaps to outline the landing strip for the mother ship. He wants to take a piece of wood and paint a picture of an alien head to match our billboard that has a picture of an alien with the warning that trespassers will be shot. Between the paint, black light and rope lighting, it should really stand out. Keep the ideas coming!

Jim, it’s actually pretty easy to do (easy for me to say, my husband did most of the work). The hardest part was making the different colored blotches NOT look like actual pictures…he didn’t want to just paint circles but you could tell he was running out of different shapes to paint. Some of them started actually looking like creatures and other things…It definitely turned out better than I originally thought it would. Plus, it’s what he always wanted his room to look like. Now if he would just keep it clean…[sigh]

very cool area 51 layout…looks really good!

mistyk - that’s what leaf-blowers are for…